View Full Version : Yes Scotland Asking For Favours...

11-09-2014, 07:48 AM
...from the people they're about to kick in the teeth. XD XD XD XD XD XD

IF I've some how read the situation wrong and all you balloons are right and it is a Yes I wonder how long it will be before Westminster gets blamed for Independent Scotland going titis up!!!

11-09-2014, 08:00 AM
How much more tits up do you think Scotland can go given one in four born into poverty, food banks, much lower life expectancy, and allegedly owing ***dreds of billions while at the same time having some of the biggest oil fields in the world.

And under the Conservatives more and more of the people and infrastructure of Britain will be sucked to the south east while "peripheral areas" like "the north of Britain" will become more and more of a wasteland.

As a Norn Ironer you clearly don't care that Scots are being mislabeled as scroungers on the British economy when in fact Scotland is a net contributer.

11-09-2014, 08:05 AM
How much more tits up do you think Scotland can go given one in four born into poverty, food banks, much lower life expectancy, and allegedly owing ***dreds of billions while at the same time having some of the biggest oil fields in the world.

And under the Conservatives more and more of the people and infrastructure of Britain will be sucked to the south east while "peripheral areas" like "the north of Britain" will become more and more of a wasteland.

As a Norn Ironer you clearly don't care that Scots are being mislabeled as scroungers on the British economy when in fact Scotland is a net contributer.

So it is actually all about Ego and Pride then after all. ...

11-09-2014, 08:13 AM
It's about doing what is best for people living in Scotland as decided by the people living in Scotland. Weighing up all of the pros and cons and coming to a rational decision. Not being frightened by one side or the other or spoken down to by politicians lining their own pockets, or by the media, or by vested interests.

Unfortunately, it seems so far you and your ilk have found it impossible to get your head around that straightforward concept.