View Full Version : R.I.P.

25-09-2014, 07:05 PM
whatever has happened to this board.
Has everyone passed on to that big pitch in the sky.


25-09-2014, 08:16 PM
Its sad isnt it. This was a exelent plase before we went up to premierleage.

Lots to talk abute when it comes to this strart of the season as well.

26-09-2014, 07:46 PM
Done my bit, like I said before most are on the pinkun site, Great if you enjoy conversations with 16 year olds who want to pick a fight with a key board for protection, a few good posters on there, wish they would come over, Mark, Simmsy, Bristol, to but a few, any newcomers would be welcome.

Still we can always rely on Chezzy, like a little oasis, a beacon, a shining example to all madsters, getting a bit worried with, is it 3 wins on the trot?

Anyway Daly WTF have you been, searched the cellars of the castle, just the pink wig, have to say I was worried.

10-10-2014, 11:15 AM
Yep...I'm a bit like one of those rubber neckers on the other side of the motorway...I drive this way on occasions to have a look at this car crash of a board.

Unfortunately, not much appears to happen these days :blue:

Talking of motorways...Isn't it about time you got one down your neck of the woods? I'm expecting getting home about 4 o clock in the morning in a couple of weeks time. Do you have the times for the stagecoaches as an alternative, or have they driven the spike for the steam locos into Naaarwich yet/ ;D