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View Full Version : it's bloody hot. Seriously

27-10-2014, 10:03 AM
middle of spring, and 42 degrees at 2pm (it was 28 at 8am)

Hottest October days ever everywhere in Queensland.

Some places 13 degrees above average.

27-10-2014, 10:16 AM
If you had managed to slip Villa in there somewhere you may have got away with it. :D

Last six months have been the hottest average global temps on record. That's the collective average not pockets of unusually hot or cold spots. Ocean temps are skyrocketing as well. IT's very real.

27-10-2014, 01:15 PM
Wrong board Yubby B)

27-10-2014, 03:02 PM
YUBBY p@ss off!!:D

27-10-2014, 04:17 PM
Prat. :-)

27-10-2014, 05:06 PM
middle of spring, and 42 degrees at 2pm (it was 28 at 8am)

Hottest October days ever everywhere in Queensland.

Some places 13 degrees above average.

Well if your thieving ancestors had kept their mits out the till you'd be over here in the beautifully moderate climate of Western Europe. So suck it up Yubbs and get on with living in that dustbowl of a dodgy-spider infested desert.

Too hot me hole, I'm just chucking another slab of cut turf on the stove XD .

27-10-2014, 07:20 PM
It's okay, Yubby. I don't think anyone noticed. :D

Sea temps were nudging 20 degrees off the coast of Devon this summer. On a par with California. Nice for bathers, but not so good for the marine wildlife which is really struggling to adapt to, and survive, the very real and scary temperature rises that, as Oz points out, is happening world wide, not just in a-typical hot spots.

I was quite shocked to read today that the Great Barrier Reef has already lost about half of it's coral over the last 30 years. I hadn't realised it was quite THAT bad. Not surprised to read that scientists have deemed supposed protection plan hopelessly ineffective. :blue:

27-10-2014, 09:06 PM
I blame it on my tuff ache.

Hardly any sleep the last 2 nights, and anything fluid related(yeah good on ya in 40+days)and I'm in more pain as the days go on.

I hate dentists.

Suck it up princess

29-10-2014, 02:58 AM
$400 later tooth and pain gooooone

30-10-2014, 09:28 PM
Back in Brisvegas and a reprieve.

30 and overcast.

30-10-2014, 09:40 PM
Enjoy your break back home, away from the heat bro.

Glad you're no longer in pain with your tuff, Yubby - no fun at all. Ouch re the dentist bill though! :O

07-11-2014, 03:55 AM
Missed this reply .
Thanks sis, was a short weekend, back up in the black stuff. The start of the week was cooler, but humid, now getting bloody hot again.
2 hrs to go, then a quick weekend up here. Work 3 days back home for 6 days. My eldest is graduating fro high school.
Now I feel older than Oz.