View Full Version : Children in need...

15-11-2014, 02:01 AM
I'm watching it this evening and they were showing a poor little girl in a hospice who sadly died after suffering cancer, the programme also said that the hospice was 80% funded by charitable donations, it sickens me that the government no matter who is in government at the time can fund crap like for example tarts who want boob jobs and fruit cakes who want to have *** changes on the nhs but can't fund childrens hospices what's the matter with these people,
I don't give a **** no party will ever get my vote until they fund what needs funding and stop funding and wasting money on foreign takers and fruit cakes, mugs the lot of them,
Es***red >:(

15-11-2014, 08:31 AM
The problem Es*** is, which many don't realise, is that if they don't vote, others will.

Especially others who will ensure the status quo will remain.

A vote is a sacred right, use it.