View Full Version : FAO Basie

21-11-2014, 11:35 AM
I know you cannot reply to this, in the same way as I cannot reply on NCM due to my lopsided ban.

Let me make myself clear here.
Whatever feud you want to pursue with Romans on NCM or DCM is entirely up to you. Do not try and play me, with the good cop/bad cop scenario.
Should said feud, get up my nose and everyone else's on NFM, then I'll deal with that person even if it is Romans himself.

Secondly, in what way do you think I want to sidle up to you and fight your wars for you? You've gone out of your way to stir me up and attempt to label me with some quite libellous comments over the years.
EG- ***ual predator/ potential murderer/ psychotic attributes, to but a few.

I am not condoning what Romans is doing, but you are hardly in a position to squeal like a little piglet, demanding bans with some of the things you have said.

My advice to you, is shut your mouth and stop the calling and stirring on other sites.

I think you'll find then-
1. it will either stop
2. it will

22-11-2014, 11:58 PM
He's just too dumb to understand. For years he's been getting away with all his insults and snipes, mocking and belittling others.

Now he's getting it back and cries like a spoilt brat.

You want respect for your age (so called because that's just your moniker's persona, I can also create an ID and say I'm a 74 year old grandmother supporting Forest since 1948).

You want respect as an old man, then behave like a proper grandfather. Look at zidazaga and others. They don't force their views, they say their piece and don't bother with replies, even those by Derby fans laughing at his English or spelling.

And we respect such users, but when a so called 'old bloke' goes around abusing and insulting others and behaving like a whiney bitch, why should I always be the one to take it in my stride? You don't want to give respect, so you'll get none in return.

Behave like a kid and try to act tough on the Net, and you'll get your full comeuppance and be thoroughly embarrassed in the process

Eddy Briscoe
24-11-2014, 12:53 PM
I reckon if you two met in real life you wouldn't shake hands you'd reach down the front of each others trousers and have a beardy snog ...;D

24-11-2014, 01:28 PM
I reckon if you two met in real life you wouldn't shake hands you'd reach down the front of each others trousers and have a beardy snog ...;D

I've been moaned at left,right and centre about homophobic references on here and now you're having a go? :blue:

Would you all like me to apply to the editor for a rainbow lounge?

24-11-2014, 07:11 PM
I reckon if you two met in real life you wouldn't shake hands you'd reach down the front of each others trousers and have a beardy snog ...;D

You seem to know a lot about this, moreover you've known Basie for quite some time I gather. XD
He's said he's going pastures anew (if you wanna believe the liar), but if say he does, I suggest you join him there. It would be a love match for eternity. And being a long time friend, he might only charge you a quid instead of the usual 2. :heart:

Eddy Briscoe
25-11-2014, 02:09 PM
No denials then, boys? Just as i thought ...

There's nothing wrong with donning a red shirt and sharing a bit of trouser with a fellow red dog - those long winter months must just fly by. It puts the chant "Pearce - OUT" in a whole new light ...

Here's a thought - how are you two going to entertain yourselves when we're in the premier league next year and you're still in the Championship?