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View Full Version : Oh really

31-12-2014, 12:33 PM
There is not one bad egg here, I like all the lads, but that is not what it is about.

I have got to do what’s best for the football club and what’s best to try to get us results.

‘Trying to manage 32 players on a daily basis has been difficult.’

Such has been the size of the Pompey squad, Awford revealed some have had to sit out of aspects of daily training sessions.

He added: ‘Even if it’s an 11 v 11 in training, you have 10 left over.

‘Obviously, you always have a couple of injuries and a couple of suspensions as the season wears on, but we still have too many.

‘When you do your back-four work or your phase work and stuff there are a lot of players sitting it out.

‘It is a fact there are too many players at the moment.’

31-12-2014, 12:53 PM
From this and what I hear from supporters, AA is not really an ideas and then putting them into practice man, it appears.

Not the sort of chap I would want to have run my Beaver Scouts (all 35 of them including 5 girls) and be sure that he completed the programme within the time allowed (70 minutes) for each of two groups of 17/18 every Thursday starting and finishing and clearing up afterwards within a given time framework.

Or put it another way: what would he do @ our last Christmas Party in a limited size hall with 48 kids and 24 parents, food laid out on the sides, the opening activity and starting game having gone ,and the chap who had made up two parcels for Pass the Parcel not turning up at all? Yes, we made do with another unscheduled game and then brought forward the meal time, but you only have limited time to judge whether to hang on and hang on or else cut straight to another activity.

As it happens, the Leader (15 years my junior) who didn't turn up had been diagnosed w

31-12-2014, 03:44 PM
It is a fact there are too many players at the moment.

Too many yes but not enough quality :blue:

31-12-2014, 04:06 PM
Not the sort of chap I would want to have run my Beaver Scouts

I spent a lot of time scouting for beaver in my ****s and twenties.

31-12-2014, 04:17 PM
Well it seems Andy quite likes DC then,so why isn't he playing