View Full Version : Well done to the Directors for standing against the mob

08-01-2015, 07:48 AM
Never in my time as a football fan ( 55 years ) have I known a player so vilified and treated as if he was public enemy number one. Not defending what the lad did and he's been the architect of his own downfall but the vilification and hatred generated by the Mob has been unprecedented.

Politicians, Clegg, Cameron, celebrities, Ennis, Heaton,the " Patrons" of our club, it's been discussed on Newsnight, BBC Question Time , Radio4 Moral Maze,. It's been mentioned in Parliament. There have been numerous newspaper articles and horrible people have signed a petitions and Sheffield United were subject to incredible bullying.

I only wish our Directors had the backbone and guts to stand firm against the Mob

Well done to Oldham and good luck for the rest of the season.

I'm intending to travel across from Sheffield for Cheds first match

08-01-2015, 11:30 AM
Well said...

The low point was the protest outside the town hall when we were away at doncaster...

That was disgusting behaviour, we had done nothing at all at that point...

Labeliing the club supporters of violence and rape on the streets of sheffield... for what?

We did nothing wrong...

08-01-2015, 01:55 PM
Thanks mate. The individual or individuals who hide behind the pseudonym "Jean Hatchet" and start these Mob mentality petitions are pathetic. I would love to think someone would do a bit of investigative work to see who they are and why they think they have a right to hound a young man (idiot though he may be)and Sheffield United so viciously.

Oldham most likely will get the same treatment, threats, bullying, telling them they are justifying rape and violence against women