View Full Version : Dear Friends

11-09-2016, 01:31 PM
Of Independence please feel free to C&P this and share with you're NO voting friends

Thank You.

Dear NO voters,
We believe that at least some of you wanted to vote YES last time, but didn't because you were unsure about your pension, about whether an independent Scotland would be allowed in the EU, or because you were led to believe at the last moment that Scotland would get real home rule within the UK because of the now infamous 'Vow'.
All of these fears and Just Vote NO promises have since been shown to be unfounded. The Vow did not deliver real home rule. Every serious economist and commentator has since admitted that pensions were not at risk, and, whether you voted Leave or Remain in the Brexit referendum you cannot deny that Scotland is now being dragged out of the EU against the democratic mandate of its own people.
And we've ended up with another Tory Government that Scots didn't vote for...yet again.
Circumstances have changed and Better Together deceit has been found out. We believe that the Scottish Government is being responsible in bringing forward a draft Bill which opens up the possibility of a second independence referendum - a chance for people to look at the lies and the unfulfilled promises and change their minds. Independence, we would argue, has become an even more urgent necessity in the interests of Scotland, and its people, than it was in 2014.
The leaders of all the main unionist parties - Tory, Labour and Lib-Dem - are saying they will refuse to back such a Bill and will not allow you the democratic opportunity to change your mind if you wish, and vote YES this time for Scotland.
We would put it to you that they have been found out - and found wanting. And we would put it to you that, whatever party you generally support, being able and being allowed to think things over and change your mind if you so wish is one of the pillars on which our democracy - or any democracy - is built.
We look forward to having the opportunity to put our case to you again, whenever the time comes.
Your friends in YES.

11-09-2016, 05:31 PM
Talk us through the White Papers economic projections, how they were spectacularly wrong and where it would've left us now and what currency we would be using and allied to what bank.


ps Scotland has a government that we didn't vote for this time or last time.

12-09-2016, 10:29 AM
We got lied to by that ridiculous fairy story your lot called the white paper. You should be ashamed and apologise to us Scots for the lies and trying to lead us into what we now know would have been a financial disaster for Scotland and its people.

And my friends in yes ? I don't think so Stewarty as you lot are still intent on causing hatred and arguments, splitting friends and family when the Scottish government should be doing what they are paid for and govern the country to the best of their ability. Just now so much of it is in a bad state.

And that statement of yours is so patronising and quite frankly desperate :)

12-09-2016, 11:15 AM
We got lied to by that ridiculous fairy story your lot called the white paper. You should be ashamed and apologise to us Scots for the lies and trying to lead us into what we now know would have been a financial disaster for Scotland and its people.

And my friends in yes ? I don't think so Stewarty as you lot are still intent on causing hatred and arguments, splitting friends and family when the Scottish government should be doing what they are paid for and govern the country to the best of their ability. Just now so much of it is in a bad state.

And that statement of yours is so patronising and quite frankly desperate :)

Bodie's usual tedious Mantra.Anyone who disagrees with his Indoctrined Imperialism is divisive.FFS grow up and realise people are allowed different opinions in this Democratic nation.


12-09-2016, 12:03 PM
Bodie's usual tedious Mantra.Anyone who disagrees with his Indoctrined Imperialism is divisive.FFS grow up and realise people are allowed different opinions in this Democratic nation.

1380 Of course people are allowed different opinions but you cannot tell me that the referendum in 2014 didn't divide the country and the SNP are carrying it on and still causing divisions in our country.
And I'm well grown up thanks, maybe the SNP need to grow up and govern the country to the best of their ability , stop blaming big bad Westminster or anyone else for their complete ineptness. It's the usual tedious Nats mantra. Anyone who disagrees with them is a traitor, not patriotic and a Hun barsteward. :)

And by the way I just love the pictures you keep posting :O. XD