View Full Version : Astublifhacked

16-07-2017, 05:54 PM
About'13'years'ago'he'was'the'only'poster'on'the'd ings'board'and'he'spent'more'time'on'here.
He'was'easy'to'wind'up'especially'on'a'Friday'nigh t'after'closing'time.
He'eventually'got'a'blanket'ban'from'FM'after'hurl ing'abuse'on'several'boards'on'a'Friday'night.
I'miss'those'days,some'great'posters'on'here'and'o ther'boards'back'then.

16-07-2017, 06:21 PM
I don't remember him Des but I do remember BroadlaneWolf ( I think that's correct )

In my first ever post on her I responded to one of his threads but telling to "get back into bed with your sister" which wasn't the quietist start to one's posting career :-)

You might remember them as "Halcyon Days" Des but it got pretty brutal at times.

Remember that lot on the West Ham board!?

Christ they were a handful,I don't remember anybody getting the better of them.

How's your old mate "Oldham,Greyhorse,Conrad,Matt etc,etc" these days Des?

17-07-2017, 08:21 AM
I'visited'a'lot'of'boards'back,'then.Hammers'Pompe y'Rangers'and'England'being'the'best.

18-07-2017, 09:31 AM
About'13'years'ago'he'was'the'only'poster'on'the'd ings'board'and'he'spent'more'time'on'here.
He'was'easy'to'wind'up'especially'on'a'Friday'nigh t'after'closing'time.
He'eventually'got'a'blanket'ban'from'FM'after'hurl ing'abuse'on'several'boards'on'a'Friday'night.
I'miss'those'days,some'great'posters'on'here'and'o ther'boards'back'then.

I remember him 55. I'm guessing it was around 10 years ago when a few Albion fans used to post on The Wolf which is where I encountered him. I posted for 2 or 3 years as did Doc Throttle I recall. Quite a few of their posters at the time were decent folks and you could have some good banter with people like Moscow Wolf, Dances with Wolves and Nutty.

Astubliff was a complete moron, not helped (as you say) by his Friday night drinking bouts fuelled by litres of Frosty Jack whilst sat at his keyboard. He was always offering to 'meet up' with rival fans in order to settle differences etc. Someone I recall took him up on this only for Astubliff to be left waiting around at some late hour whilst the other person was no doubt sat at home never having had any intention of turning up. I do remember him posting on the board about this which was truly the gift that kept giving to those who enjoyed winding him up. Yes, had some good banter on The Wolf and as I say, they had a some nice folks but he definately wasnt one of them.

18-07-2017, 05:05 PM
Some'good'blokes'on'the'Wolves'board.Dudley'Tipton 'I'Cart,Uncle'Steve'Gaz'and'Gav'and'Plater.Who'was 'the'one'who'liked'steam'trains'other'than'
,The'Villa'lot'were'ok'too,Robbie'Cabbage.'Villa'J ohn'who'we'met'on'the'walk'along'with'Leftside'and 'LMV.

18-07-2017, 05:37 PM
I remember him, it was just me and him on the board back then and so I spent most of my time on here talking to a poster called Bob Hollox! Do you remember him Des? ;D Then Gav and Wolvesgirl started using the board and gradually it became a busy board. I also remember some old names from here BaggieBird, Smethwick 67, and a girl Asti royally upset, I can't remember her name now though. It might have been Tippex Girl?

18-07-2017, 05:53 PM
Met'Wolvesgirl86'in'the'Sportsman'a'couple'of'time s,her'other'half,TheMoore'The'Bednar,being'a'Baggi e
Asti'used'to'invite'us'to'meet'him'under'the'Billy 'Wright'statue'for'a'punch'up':D
He'came'from'Wall.Heath'and'we'live'near'there'now .I'have'probably'been'in'the'same'pub'as'him,but'i 'wouldn't'know'him'from'Adam