View Full Version : 0/c Forced return to South Yorkshire

09-03-2019, 08:09 AM
No I have not been deported from Filey, I had another stroke last November and because I live alone with my little Yorkie Charlie my family wanted me to move nearer to them so they could give me help if needed so I am back in Sunny Donnie. I moved into a new build bungalow last Saturday and the phone line should have been installed on Tuesday. I need the phone line to operate a emergency button if I fall or need help. I have now been told the phone line will not be fitted until the 20th of March leaving me without an emergency button.The house next door is unoccupied and at the other side the man is working all day so I can’t get help from there. I have contacted Sky who should be fitting the internet when I have a phone line and they told me to contact Openreach (BT) who fit the phone lines.Openreach say I should get back to Sky to sort this problem out because they are the internet supplier.In the meantime I am stuck in a bungalow without any means to get the help I may need because there is no phone line to operate the emergency button.You may ask how I am operating this computer,I am on an iPad with a data sd card fitted which give me the internet but it can’t operate the emergency button.What the hell is wrong with these people? they refuse to contact each other to solve this problem leaving me without any emergency help.I wish I was back in Filey.

09-03-2019, 08:33 AM
Sorry to hear of your problems Filey
The whole concept of Openreach is to say the least shyte
Perhaps this link [if you can access on your mobile, if you have one] may help
Is your emergency button system run by a private company to which you pay a fee if so perhaps they can add their assistance with Openreach
Hope you can get it sorted & best wishes

I think the rules may be different now compared to a while ago
Your sevice provider {Sky} should be able to deal with Openreach as up to a whlie ago Openreach could not be contacted by Joe public as they would only deal with service providers Eg Sky as wholesale customers

09-03-2019, 08:59 AM
Sorry to hear abart all that Filey. These companies can be buggers but always seem to respond instantly when taking in new business or receiving money. If Exiles link doesn't provide an answer try

Age UK Advice Line 0800 678 1602

or even a local Councillor who might stir things up. If no success see if the local press would like to do an article on it. BT hate bad publicity and sumdi wud get back to thi straightaway.

Tha can get cheap pay as you go mobiles with an emergency button facility to get thi straight through to a relative as a back up.

09-03-2019, 09:36 AM
Doro phones have emergency buttons on them, possibly cheaper to have one of them in the long run than the other system. My mum has a 40 quid one ( not bought for emergencies but that facility is on there ). Hope you get everything sorted soon.

09-03-2019, 10:41 AM
Sorry to hear you've not been in good health Filey and I hope you are back to full fitness very soon sir .

09-03-2019, 11:41 AM
Hope tha gets it sooarted soon Filey. Its wrong when someone is reliant on such help, the should gi the eeards a shek. A hope tha back in good health soon mi owd.

09-03-2019, 11:47 AM
Good luck Mr Filey , don't let it get you down , I'm sure it will be sorted quicker than you think , it's poor how these companies treat the customers , Keep well,

09-03-2019, 01:34 PM
Get well soon Filey, repatriation closer to the shrine might not be a bad thing if youre better cared for.

Repatriation might be a word our politicians to need to look up in a dictionary and start employing its meaning.

18-03-2019, 07:40 AM
Haven't heard for a while
Hope you got sorted Filey & you are ok

21-03-2019, 05:31 PM
Hope your feeling better Filey. Sorry to hear your problems and to hear you’ve left the neighbourhood.
Hope you’ve told your provider that you are a vulnerable individual and try that you have a panic button necklace that uses the phone line to connect to the services. Most will make you a priority for work needed.
Hear from you soon.

21-03-2019, 05:34 PM
ps I believe if Sky is the service provider for your phone then the responsibility is there’s.