View Full Version : Jack Dunnett

29-10-2019, 05:47 PM
The club's social media is reporting that our former chairman has passed away at 97.

29-10-2019, 06:12 PM
The club's social media is reporting that our former chairman has passed away at 97.


That's a pretty good innings for our best ever and most successful owner.

A reminder:


RIP - Condolences to family. Hope the club find some way to commemorate.

29-10-2019, 06:36 PM
Sad news but what an innings. Also love that video of him and Jimmy. RIP.

Big Bob
29-10-2019, 07:26 PM
Sad to hear. Ran a good ship when he was at Notts.

29-10-2019, 07:43 PM
Sad news, but 97 years is no mean achievement. It brings to mind the saying that you only really miss things when they've gone.
Jack Dunnett was the chairman when I started supporting Notts in the 1969-70 season, and in all honesty he wasn't too popular among the fans. Fortunately there was no social media back then, but in the late 70s when we were top end of Division 2 any defeat was often accompanied by comments like "Dunnett told them to lose because he doesn't want us to get to Division 1". Those comments were proved to be wrong when we did get to Division 1. Jack Dunnett knew how to run a football club. He didn't randomly splash the cash because he knew it was unsustainable. To put this in perspective for younger fans, under Jack Dunnett we played Liverpool, Man U and Arsenal as equals. Now we are playing Woking, Ebbsfleet and Boreham Wood as equals.

As Old_pie says, I hope the club show their appreciation. Under the Reedtz brothers, I'm sure they will.

29-10-2019, 07:52 PM
Jack Dunnett knew how to run a football club. He didn't randomly splash the cash because he knew it was unsustainable. To put this in perspective for younger fans, under Jack Dunnett we played Liverpool, Man U and Arsenal as equals. Now we are playing Woking, Ebbsfleet and Boreham Wood as equals.

We were on the brink of playing the likes of those clubs (or the equivalents in non-league football) when he took over. Massive achievement.

29-10-2019, 08:00 PM
We were on the brink of playing the likes of those clubs (or the equivalents in non-league football) when he took over. Massive achievement.

True, and that was in the days of re-election rather than relegation. That was another ace up Jack's sleeve, his connections meant that we could finish bottom and still survive!

29-10-2019, 08:15 PM
Sad news, but 97 years is no mean achievement. It brings to mind the saying that you only really miss things when they've gone.
Jack Dunnett was the chairman when I started supporting Notts in the 1969-70 season, and in all honesty he wasn't too popular among the fans. Fortunately there was no social media back then, but in the late 70s when we were top end of Division 2 any defeat was often accompanied by comments like "Dunnett told them to lose because he doesn't want us to get to Division 1". Those comments were proved to be wrong when we did get to Division 1. Jack Dunnett knew how to run a football club. He didn't randomly splash the cash because he knew it was unsustainable. To put this in perspective for younger fans, under Jack Dunnett we played Liverpool, Man U and Arsenal as equals.

Haha, I remember those persistent comments about 'Dunnett not wanting us to go up', usually as soon as Notts faltered. In retrospect, Jack Dunnett did a very shrewd job indeed of running Notts County. albeit choosing well in bringing in Jimmy Sirrel who made a huge difference to the club almost immediately. He had a reputation of being a bit of a Baron Tightwad in those days but his prudent ownership made those great days possible of that there is no doubt. The club had a very strong spine in those days with Dunnett and Sirrel and the latter's 'little general' Masson, out on the pitch. These three were all talented and very determined men in their own sphere and dragged Notts forward with their high expectations and standards. Jack Dunnett was no doubt the man who made it all possible.

Rest in Peace, Mr Dunnett.

29-10-2019, 09:09 PM
RIP Mr Dunnett, you were at the helm during a great time as a Notts fan - many thanks.

29-10-2019, 09:11 PM
We'll have to get the ref to make sure there are at least seven "additional" minutes on Saturday so that we can have a minute's applause - though on second thoughts that only happens when we're playing the Slags.

Thanks for the memories Jack.

29-10-2019, 09:20 PM
No Jack Dunnett, no Jimmy Sirrel.

Doubt the club will ever repeat the success they had under Mr Dunnett.

29-10-2019, 10:02 PM
Obviously appointing Jimmy Sirrel and overseeing our most successful era post-war is what he'll mainly be remembered for, but wasn't he also an important figure in setting up Lifeline? It's quite a legacy that something he helped establish over thirty years ago continues to support the club and played an role in helping the staff during the crisis of this summer.

29-10-2019, 10:03 PM
RIP Jack, probably wasn’t appreciated as much as he should have been at the time, but a very good chairman in hindsight.

29-10-2019, 10:21 PM
R I P . Jack, many thanks for Sir Jimmy & the start of the greatest years l have seen at the Lane.
Give All Our Best Regards to Jimmy & Jack.

You are all together again.

Stan Marshall
29-10-2019, 10:44 PM
It isn’t always a popular approach but he ran a club like an owner should - don’t spend money you haven’t got. I remember the collection to buy Glenn Roeder which was organised during his time. I suppose it’s too late to ask for my money back now!!😂
RIP Jack and thanks for the good times.

29-10-2019, 11:15 PM
I suppose it was fitting that we should win 4-0 tonight as a reminder of those great days when he was at the helm.

30-10-2019, 06:23 AM
RIP Jack Dunnett - responsible for some wonderful times at our football club and some of my happiest football memories.

Almost impossible to imagine a local politician becoming a club owner these days, but Jack was also MP for (I think) Nottingham East while he ran Notts. He also somehow found time to head the entire Football League - which is also impossible to imagine nowadays, and I seem to recall some very frustrated "Big Six" clubs making digs at their fate being determined by the owner of a small club while he was at the helm.

His legacy is the Meadow Lane end. For many years it was a bit of an eyesore and oddity, but brought in some much-needed revenue (sadly, as it turns out, also to Dunnett himself, who collected rent on it for years before selling it to Derek Pavis, who did likewise).

30-10-2019, 07:54 AM
Sad news, but 97 years is no mean achievement. It brings to mind the saying that you only really miss things when they've gone.
Jack Dunnett was the chairman when I started supporting Notts in the 1969-70 season, and in all honesty he wasn't too popular among the fans. Fortunately there was no social media back then, but in the late 70s when we were top end of Division 2 any defeat was often accompanied by comments like "Dunnett told them to lose because he doesn't want us to get to Division 1". Those comments were proved to be wrong when we did get to Division 1. Jack Dunnett knew how to run a football club. He didn't randomly splash the cash because he knew it was unsustainable. To put this in perspective for younger fans, under Jack Dunnett we played Liverpool, Man U and Arsenal as equals. Now we are playing Woking, Ebbsfleet and Boreham Wood as equals.

As Old_pie says, I hope the club show their appreciation. Under the Reedtz brothers, I'm sure they will.

In the early 1970's Notts were looking at a promising young winger playing for Sc*nthorpe who wanted £35,000 for him. Sirrell wanted him but while Dunnett was humming and aah-ing and lets have another look at him, Bill Shankly, who had politely allowed Notts to make their mind up first, then signed this young lad who went on to captain, and then manage, England.

Somewhere, in the dusty vaults of the BBC, there is film of an interview with Bill Shankly telling of how he signed - Kevin Keegan.

30-10-2019, 08:40 AM
In the early 1970's Notts were looking at a promising young winger playing for Sc*nthorpe who wanted £35,000 for him. Sirrell wanted him but while Dunnett was humming and aah-ing and lets have another look at him, Bill Shankly, who had politely allowed Notts to make their mind up first, then signed this young lad who went on to captain, and then manage, England.

Somewhere, in the dusty vaults of the BBC, there is film of an interview with Bill Shankly telling of how he signed - Kevin Keegan.

The Best Chairman this football club ever had. RIP Jack .

30-10-2019, 09:01 AM
In the early 1970's Notts were looking at a promising young winger playing for Sc*nthorpe who wanted £35,000 for him. Sirrell wanted him but while Dunnett was humming and aah-ing and lets have another look at him, Bill Shankly, who had politely allowed Notts to make their mind up first, then signed this young lad who went on to captain, and then manage, England.

Somewhere, in the dusty vaults of the BBC, there is film of an interview with Bill Shankly telling of how he signed - Kevin Keegan.

Ruud Guilit was another to slip the net under Dunnett. Think Ray Clemmence was another. If only he had took a gamble on Roeder

30-10-2019, 09:03 AM
"...fore filled..."?

Sirrell wanted him but while Dunnett was humming and aah-ing and lets have another look at him

Sirrell? Really?

30-10-2019, 10:04 AM
Ruud Guilit was another to slip the net under Dunnett. Think Ray Clemmence was another. If only he had took a gamble on Roeder

Pretty sure Clemence was pre-Dunnett or before he became chairman, 1966 I think, maybe 1967.

A shame that we have to focus on players he let slip, what about all of the great players that came in during his time? Re-signing Hateley, Carter, O'Brien, McCulloch, Christie, Raddy, Chiedozie and Fashanu plus several young players coming through including Pedro, Benji and Killer.
He could have sold Needham, Stubbs and Masson earlier too. He took us all the way to the top, he got it right for many many years despite Fword being at their peak. The collapse at the end coincided with the shift in goalposts regards money for smaller clubs, live TV deals and the hooligan problem but he passed on the baton to Derek Pavis, the 2nd best post war chairman.

30-10-2019, 03:14 PM
Pretty sure Clemence was pre-Dunnett or before he became chairman, 1966 I think, maybe 1967.

A shame that we have to focus on players he let slip, what about all of the great players that came in during his time? Re-signing Hateley, Carter, O'Brien, McCulloch, Christie, Raddy, Chiedozie and Fashanu plus several young players coming through including Pedro, Benji and Killer.
He could have sold Needham, Stubbs and Masson earlier too. He took us all the way to the top, he got it right for many many years despite Fword being at their peak. The collapse at the end coincided with the shift in goalposts regards money for smaller clubs, live TV deals and the hooligan problem but he passed on the baton to Derek Pavis, the 2nd best post war chairman.

I wasn't focusing on players we let slip utm, I was just telling a story, adding colour if you like. He was a great chairman and brought in many great players, players all us old un's remember well. Those you mention are legends to us.