View Full Version : Sturgeon!

03-03-2021, 01:36 AM
I’m no fan of Salmond but “Wee Krankie” made a fatal error in mixing it with her former mentor.

This bloke was on the ropes a few months ago but the thing is with the “Big Beast” like him you have to drive the stake straight through the heart.......if you can’t then you back off.

I hope she’s forced to resign, I’m really enjoying watching him tear her apart.

03-03-2021, 07:03 AM
I’m no fan of Salmond but “Wee Krankie” made a fatal error in mixing it with her former mentor.

This bloke was on the ropes a few months ago but the thing is with the “Big Beast” like him you have to drive the stake straight through the heart.......if you can’t then you back off.

I hope she’s forced to resign, I’m really enjoying watching him tear her apart.oh so very true,Salmond his a very cute and experienced politician been around a long time.

03-03-2021, 10:20 AM
She has already said that she did know about the situation before admitting to it but said that she had forgotten about it. This may be true but it does raise concerns about what else she has not been telling the truth about. I don't like her but have to say that she has dealt with the Covid crisis better than our Government has. It will be interesting to see the final outcome of this.

03-03-2021, 11:50 AM
She has already said that she did know about the situation before admitting to it but said that she had forgotten about it. This may be true but it does raise concerns about what else she has not been telling the truth about. I don't like her but have to say that she has dealt with the Covid crisis better than our Government has. It will be interesting to see the final outcome of this.

She has but always with intent going one step forward to be clever. Scotland this - Scotland that which comes out of her mouth. Anyone would think Scotland was a super power!

Lots of bitter people, stupid bank notes, and footballing leagues which are equivalent to league 1 standard.

DaveP67 is back!
03-03-2021, 11:55 AM
Horrible woman, deserves everything she gets, archetypal whinging Scott! My god how they like to pick and choose their history, they seem to quickly forget that they joined forces with Cromwell to out the last Scott who sat on the throne. I might be a minority but I support independence and would like a vote to force the Scots to piss off, apart from Scotch Whisky what do they bring to the UK, drug addicts, winos and Rab C Nesbitt as cultural attaché!

03-03-2021, 12:09 PM
Horrible woman, deserves everything she gets, archetypal whinging Scott! My god how they like to pick and choose their history, they seem to quickly forget that they joined forces with Cromwell to out the last Scott who sat on the throne. I might be a minority but I support independence and would like a vote to force the Scots to piss off, apart from Scotch Whisky what do they bring to the UK, drug addicts, winos and Rab C Nesbitt as cultural attaché! prefer Irish whiskey myself Dave ,welsh whiskey is good people tell me.soon we’ll have English whisky so all will be not lost when they hopefully piss off.

03-03-2021, 05:15 PM
The SNP leaders have wiped the floor with weak opposition up there. Two big personalities have whipped up support for independence for a decade or more now. Many kids have grown up with the one sided view and they will be eligible to vote if it comes to it. They hate the Tories and deserted Blair and Brown in droves leaving a clear field to promote their single minded plan.
But their history does show that their man enemy is not us but themselves and today is a point in case.