View Full Version : Boris gone

08-12-2021, 11:11 AM
Nothing beats a bit of click bait 😂

I’ve never been totally against Boris, he has so many flaws which appeals to so many and I don’t consider him to be scum.. but i think his time is up and he could well walk. He has so many people to sack in the party which he should have from day one.. but maybe didn’t for any backlash he could potentially face. It’s all about to get very interesting. This thread is nothing to do with labour so let’s not attack parties, not in power eh.

Tin hat time… Time

08-12-2021, 11:24 AM
I think he will walk.

08-12-2021, 11:37 AM
One thing the Tories are never shy of is sacking a leader so he may well be offered the opportunity to walk rather than face a rebellion.

This whole fiasco is based upon people having absolutely no “nous” and no common sense, typical of those who’ve never had a “real” job and have gone from university into politics.

They need a real “ball buster” in charge leading up to the next election but god knows who.

I thought Sunak was the obvious choice but his high tax plans are not sitting well with many of their MP’s.

I think the concern about admitting to this Xmas party is that it was potentially a criminal offence and therefore prosecutions could follow.

08-12-2021, 11:46 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it is my understanding that some of the laws of the land do not apply to Westminster and the Government. I don't know exactly what they are so perhaps someone with a greater knowledge of the subject could inform me.

08-12-2021, 01:51 PM
It’s probably correct lb but it DOES NOT make it right - anyhow this is all a sideshow for this tryrannical government to introduce those fatuous covid passes bye bye hospitality

08-12-2021, 02:31 PM
It’s probably correct lb but it DOES NOT make it right - anyhow this is all a sideshow for this tryrannical government to introduce those fatuous covid passes was very libye bye hospitality

I agree that it is not right but it might make prosecution difficult. Politicians, no matter which party, are really letting themselves and us down. I have very little respect for so many of them. What is so worrying is that these are the people who we should be putting our trust in to see us through these difficult times. As for Boris, for an intelligent man, he shows very little common sense and in many cases is often too quick to defend the indefensible. He also needs to be stronger and not so 'bungling'. Another problem is that he tries to please everybody, something which is impossible to achieve. Overall, while I realise that this is the most difficult situation any PM has faced since WW2, a new leader would be advantageous, but WHO?

08-12-2021, 03:46 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it is my understanding that some of the laws of the land do not apply to Westminster and the Government. I don't know exactly what they are so perhaps someone with a greater knowledge of the subject could inform me.

Is not that always the case for those in power, no laws and regulations apply for them!?

Btw, some new ministers appointed over here and their different ”skeletons” are all over the press: s exual assault, Nazi salute, cocaine party, payment remarks gone to the Enforcement Authority etc, etc…

08-12-2021, 03:54 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it is my understanding that some of the laws of the land do not apply to Westminster and the Government. I don't know exactly what they are so perhaps someone with a greater knowledge of the subject could inform me.

Hold your horses. The next episode of The Larkins will cover this historical fact, of that i am certain.

Joking aside, I can only think of one, but I am probably wrong, the alcohol licensing laws may not apply in their entirety.

A Qanon believer may tell you different.

08-12-2021, 04:05 PM
Nothing beats a bit of click bait ��

I’ve never been totally against Boris, he has so many flaws which appeals to so many and I don’t consider him to be scum.. but i think his time is up and he could well walk. He has so many people to sack in the party which he should have from day one.. but maybe didn’t for any backlash he could potentially face. It’s all about to get very interesting. This thread is nothing to do with labour so let’s not attack parties, not in power eh.

Tin hat time… Time

Bodger was dressed up in full copper gear the other day outside a raid house.

It was hilarious.

Whilst he fulfils his childhood dreams, Asda were saying they weren't going to enforce mask wearing in their stores. But, no response from bodger or his dimwit cronies regarding this.

He has the majority to pass any law and the supermarkets have made a killing during covid so he could easily say they will be fined upto £10,000 for every person not wearing a mask without having a medical excuse.

The way covid has been dealt with has been a complete s hit show and lots of tories have made a killing so he isn't going to pass any law that will be detrimental to the old party donations.

08-12-2021, 04:54 PM
He came across initially as a decent person for a Tory and I thought he was okay.
But I can't see how he or his party can survive this. The nation has been lied to, nobody had a Christmas last year, I couldn't visit my mom for twelve months, but it's okay for the hoity toitys to have a party just as it is for them to go fox hunting.
Obviously the law's don't apply to them.
Absolutely disgraceful and shocking behaviour, go now and take your chums with you.

08-12-2021, 05:02 PM
Somebody, though, at that ‘party’ took a video of colleagues and (presumably) friends and then, when it suited them, released it to the media. What a nice, trustworthy friend. I’m not suggesting that the ‘party’ was ok but it does make you realise how untrustworthy some people are; they’d sell their granny for a few quid.

08-12-2021, 05:24 PM
Pathetic to see Allegra Stratton crying her resignation notice on TV.

Go with some dignity FFS, why do these nomarks have to blub all the tim!?

The only thing they’re sorry about is losing their jobs and not the offence they cause.

The Tories are never slow or shy in knifing their leader as even Thatcher found out, this has finished Boris albeit it might be a few months before he goes.

Time for a new broom and for grown ups to be in charge.

I wish people would just hold their hands up and admit mistakes, lying always makes things worse, a lesson my parents taught me early in life.

I once made a truly terrible error of judgement but it owned up to it before it was actually discovered.

The owning up caused me a tremendous amount of hassle and pain but it was actually the single best decision I’ve ever made.

Those in power need to start doing the same.

08-12-2021, 06:35 PM
Bodger was dressed up in full copper gear the other day outside a raid house.

It was hilarious.

I saw that and thought what the hell is he doing, then had to laugh. Can you imagine him kicking down a door to arrest someone, bumbling all his words 😄

08-12-2021, 07:28 PM
Somebody, though, at that ‘party’ took a video of colleagues and (presumably) friends and then, when it suited them, released it to the media. What a nice, trustworthy friend. I’m not suggesting that the ‘party’ was ok but it does make you realise how untrustworthy some people are; they’d sell their granny for a few quid.

Probably a lackey doing the dirty work of a Remainer departmental head conveniently on leave.

08-12-2021, 08:03 PM
'Apparently Carrie Johnson DID host a flat party with several of her closest allies when the U.K. was in lockdown. The Telegraph have the names of the alleged guests, but won’t release them' I expect Boris didn't know about that either

08-12-2021, 08:28 PM
'Apparently Carrie Johnson DID host a flat party with several of her closest allies when the U.K. was in lockdown. The Telegraph have the names of the alleged guests, but won’t release them' I expect Boris didn't know about that either

If that’s true Phil then he has to go!

I think the 1922 Committee will already be putting things in motion.

Boris is dead man shuffling!

08-12-2021, 10:09 PM
Everyone knows my opinion on the Johnson and the Tories….but the cynic in me questions, what is really going on behind the scenes?

The Mirror broke this story with a ‘source’ that they considered so reliable that they said they would stand by their story legally if required. Then itv very handily got hold of this video recording, from another source.

It seems to me someone is stabbing Johnson in the back. Perhaps someone with their eyes on the top job? Sunak, or Gove?

Maybe someone with an axe to grind? Raab, Cummings?

Either way, this information being released a full one year after it happened seems manufactured to me. Someone wants him gone.

And of course, I’ve got absolutely zero sympathy for Boris. He’s cold, calculating and conniving. And deserves everything he gets.

Let’s get the next Tory clown in.

08-12-2021, 10:11 PM
Everyone knows my opinion on the Johnson and the Tories….but the cynic in me questions, what is really going on behind the scenes?

The Mirror broke this story with a ‘source’ that they considered so reliable that they said they would stand by their story legally if required. Then itv very handily got hold of this video recording, from another source.

It seems to me someone is stabbing Johnson in the back. Perhaps someone with their eyes on the top job? Sunak, or Gove?

Maybe someone with an axe to grind? Raab, Cummings?

Either way, this information being released a full one year after it happened seems manufactured to me. Someone wants him gone.

And of course, I’ve got absolutely zero sympathy for Boris. He’s cold, calculating and conniving. And deserves everything he gets.

Let’s get the next Tory clown in.

I 100% agree apart from......

The next incumbent won’t be a clown.

Boris getting knifed is as bad for Labour as it was for the Tories when Corbyn got booted.

08-12-2021, 10:29 PM
Sunak was very straight faced sat behind BoJo, when Keir was having a go, almost like he was giving BoJo more rope to say keep going mate

Imagine if we had a decent opposition

08-12-2021, 10:31 PM
Sunak was very straight faced in PMs questions yesterday, almost like he was giving BoJo more rope to say keep going mate

He’s the only viable option as I see BS.

Any other choice like Truss or Gove would be utter madness.

First Asian heritage PM I think mate.

08-12-2021, 10:58 PM
Watch out for the Pritzter .... first Asian woman PM .... maybe not ... smart money on Sunak ...

08-12-2021, 11:43 PM
Everyone knows my opinion on the Johnson and the Tories….but the cynic in me questions, what is really going on behind the scenes?

The Mirror broke this story with a ‘source’ that they considered so reliable that they said they would stand by their story legally if required. Then itv very handily got hold of this video recording, from another source.

It seems to me someone is stabbing Johnson in the back. Perhaps someone with their eyes on the top job? Sunak, or Gove?

Maybe someone with an axe to grind? Raab, Cummings?

Either way, this information being released a full one year after it happened seems manufactured to me. Someone wants him gone.

And of course, I’ve got absolutely zero sympathy for Boris. He’s cold, calculating and conniving. And deserves everything he gets.

Let’s get the next Tory clown in.
Hi, do you think a lot of people are in on the timing of these news breaks, with regards the financial markets there's a lot of money to made.
If you look back to the Brexit vote count, which I stopped up to watch, during the night Nigel Farage suddenly said we have lost this. I checked the market and the pound shot of the scale.
Tusk is always doing the same with *******

09-12-2021, 01:40 AM
I had originally viewed Boris as a rather entertaining man who played up to his buffoon image whilst Mayor of London. Frankly, he was rather lucky to find himself Prime Minister which probably had as much to do with the failings of the Labour Party as anything else. Having to deal with the covid thing was difficult as he was always in a kind of damned if he did/damned if he didn't situation but since then he has consistently gone down in what little estimation I held for him. I really do think that Boris and many of his crony Tories simply do not care about the well being of vast majority of the population. They are out of touch with the concerns of most "ordinary" people and seem only concerned with protecting their own interests and benefiting the richer elements of society. All the talk of "levelling up"or a "well paid, skilled, workforce" are just meaningless soundbites and the long-standing issues around education / housing/ the NHS and a liveable minimum wage continue regardless of Brexit. He and his entitled party needs to go -but the main problem we have is not having a viable opposition😐

09-12-2021, 04:34 AM
Not having a viable opposition has been the problem in British politics for many years going back through the Miliband, Corbyn and now Starmer years. The Tories have got away with murder with no credible opposition to hold them to account. Even now with Boris bouncing from one fiasco to another .... can’t see myself voting Labour at the next election with the motley crew they have in place to run the country ... but then who to vote for?

DaveP67 is back!
09-12-2021, 09:43 AM
Can’t argue the two posts above, I honestly feel that Labour need a top to bottom rebuild, all the infighting and poor choices of leader simply alienates the average middle ground voter like me, perhaps someone like Burnham from Manchester could do a job, he seems to talk sense most of the time.

09-12-2021, 10:14 AM
The last person who entered parliament with honorable intentions was Guido Fawkes

09-12-2021, 11:12 AM
Not having a viable opposition has been the problem in British politics for many years going back through the Miliband, Corbyn and now Starmer years. The Tories have got away with murder with no credible opposition to hold them to account. Even now with Boris bouncing from one fiasco to another .... can’t see myself voting Labour at the next election with the motley crew they have in place to run the country ... but then who to vote for?

You've 'hit the nail right on the head'. There are so many people in this country, including myself, who are middle of the road but don't have a viable party to vote for. Like you, I feel that Johnson and the Tories have 'got away with murder' but again, like you, can't bring myself to vote Labour with an inept leader, that despicable Angela Rayner as deputy leader and the intolerable influence of the Marxist left. Your final statement sums it up '...... but then who to vote for'. Politics in this country is at its lowest ebb!

09-12-2021, 12:25 PM
Johnson got elected simply because he promised and delivered to 'Get Brexit done' the very antithesis to the ditherings of May. Boris for all the good you have done go (quietly and quickly.)

09-12-2021, 02:34 PM
I think that the consensus of opinion on this forum is what the majority of this country is thinking. Whilst the Tories continually shoot themselves in the foot, people are of the opinion that there is not a credible alternative. That is a real shame because we need a party to be able to hold this government to account.

09-12-2021, 02:53 PM
I think that the consensus of opinion on this forum is what the majority of this country is thinking. Whilst the Tories continually shoot themselves in the foot, people are of the opinion that there is not a credible alternative. That is a real shame because we need a party to be able to hold this government to account.

I hope that Labour Party manages to make some headway in sorting itself out in time for next election. Starmer may lack the charisma that we might want to see in a leader (although this often masks less favourable traits ! ) but he seems to mostly talk sense but Raynor needs to go as do some of the more extreme Leftists. Time for the Tories to go now because we have gone past the point of "better the devil you know" and were well into the territory of "the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing but expect different results". Maybe a change to a PR system and the resultant likelihood for a minority or coalition govt. is a better option for us now given our lack of choices?

09-12-2021, 03:11 PM
A change of leader isn’t going to transform British politics. We, as a nation, get what we vote for and therefore, by definition, what we deserve. The people of this country voted for Brexit and have for some years now voted in a Conservative government. Many MPs are decent hard working people doing their best for their constituents; it’s those with high office aspirations that seem to be the problem, driven by a desire for power and influence. Their constituents vote them in, though. Similarly, the constituents of say, Diane Abbott, continually vote her in, so what that says about those constituents, we’ll, make your own minds up. Then of course, is the left wing of the Labour Party which holds considerable sway over the way the party is run. All this is because British citizens vote to make it happen. The probability of this current row costing Boris his job is not that high; if the wretched virus is brought under control over the Winter all the other stuff will disappear from the memory of most people and the Toriwill on course for another win, aided and abetted by Labour continuing to include the likes of Rayner, Abbott & Co amongst their ranks. The population of this country is just not vocal or demonstrative enough to bring about real change. This is Britain 2021 style.

09-12-2021, 03:22 PM
Everyone knows my opinion on the Johnson and the Tories….but the cynic in me questions, what is really going on behind the scenes?

The Mirror broke this story with a ‘source’ that they considered so reliable that they said they would stand by their story legally if required. Then itv very handily got hold of this video recording, from another source.

It seems to me someone is stabbing Johnson in the back. Perhaps someone with their eyes on the top job? Sunak, or Gove?

Maybe someone with an axe to grind? Raab, Cummings?

Either way, this information being released a full one year after it happened seems manufactured to me. Someone wants him gone.

And of course, I’ve got absolutely zero sympathy for Boris. He’s cold, calculating and conniving. And deserves everything he gets.

Let’s get the next Tory clown in.

And you really think Labour would do a better job of running this country.

09-12-2021, 03:38 PM
I thought this thread was only supposed to be about the Tories and no other party…?

But as you’ve asked, I think a traffic cone or maybe Larry the cat could do a better job than these inept tw@ts

09-12-2021, 03:38 PM
You wont get a perfect politician. Not possible. They are all good and bad in different areas. Strong and weak in different areas. Its human imperfection.

09-12-2021, 03:43 PM
Larry the Cat's a p us sy. Fact. Should fit in well with the rest of 'em.

09-12-2021, 03:49 PM
A change of leader isn’t going to transform British politics. We, as a nation, get what we vote for and therefore, by definition, what we deserve. The people of this country voted for Brexit and have for some years now voted in a Conservative government. Many MPs are decent hard working people doing their best for their constituents; it’s those with high office aspirations that seem to be the problem, driven by a desire for power and influence. Their constituents vote them in, though. Similarly, the constituents of say, Diane Abbott, continually vote her in, so what that says about those constituents, we’ll, make your own minds up. Then of course, is the left wing of the Labour Party which holds considerable sway over the way the party is run. All this is because British citizens vote to make it happen. The probability of this current row costing Boris his job is not that high; if the wretched virus is brought under control over the Winter all the other stuff will disappear from the memory of most people and the Toriwill on course for another win, aided and abetted by Labour continuing to include the likes of Rayner, Abbott & Co amongst their ranks. The population of this country is just not vocal or demonstrative enough to bring about real change. This is Britain 2021 style.

Can't say as I disagree with this! The problem, it seems to me, is two fold -1) culturally we are too politically apathetic (no French-style "yellow jacket" demonstrations for us😀) and 2) the very nature of politics and the money and time required preclude so many people from entering it, so you either have to have money yourself and a job where you can free up a lot of your time to commit to it or else be sponsored to do so e.g. by a union. This situation also explains why so few women enter it as they still tend to spend far more time than men raising their families. For the majority who are not financially independent and have to work full time it is exceptionally hard to get into. Sadly. don't know what the answer is to this though.

09-12-2021, 05:38 PM
Labour have got no chance of getting in, Boris could shoot the Queen and gain extra votes.

Boris needs to go though in the next 12 months to be replaced by Sunak in truth.

One of Labours biggest problems is actually Scotland, they've ben wiped out by the SNP so that horse has bolted, there's 35-40+ seats that they traditionally had a good chance in that are absolutely gone for them now.

Then there's the north, the sort of people that fat b I t c h Emily Thornberry sneers about along with the rest of Labours Metropolitan London Elite set. Coming as I do from "up north", I can advise that most northerners have equal contempt of southerners especially when they look down their noses at them.

Anywhere north of Buckinghamshire isn't going to be easy for Labour to gain trust in again.

I'll keep saying this, until a reformed Labour ( maybe ) slightly centre Left party is created with Eu positive credentials and a massive Green agenda to appeal to the under 35's then all opposition are p I s s I n g in the wind.

Centre Left politics needs a Farage type leader to rally this large section of society and create a movement under one banner.

This isn't rocket science but I'm not sure the people who inhabit the space that the Tories don't inhabit actually have the nous to either understand this or make it happen.

It would be a winning formula though, a leader with Blair type charisma, a "clean skin" type leader with no previous baggage who didn't have to grovel to the unions and the Trots and Marxists in the Labour Party.

A party of this genre would likely gain great revenue streams from pro Eu businesses who would fund them better than the unions.

This IS the answer.

Don't expect it to happen though.

09-12-2021, 06:36 PM
Sunak as been fairly quiet perhaps he was also at one of those numerous parties (gatherings)

09-12-2021, 06:47 PM
Labour have got no chance of getting in, Boris could shoot the Queen and gain extra votes.

Boris needs to go though in the next 12 months to be replaced by Sunak in truth.

One of Labours biggest problems is actually Scotland, they've ben wiped out by the SNP so that horse has bolted, there's 35-40+ seats that they traditionally had a good chance in that are absolutely gone for them now.

Then there's the north, the sort of people that fat b I t c h Emily Thornberry sneers about along with the rest of Labours Metropolitan London Elite set. Coming as I do from "up north", I can advise that most northerners have equal contempt of southerners especially when they look down their noses at them.

Anywhere north of Buckinghamshire isn't going to be easy for Labour to gain trust in again.

I'll keep saying this, until a reformed Labour ( maybe ) slightly centre Left party is created with Eu positive credentials and a massive Green agenda to appeal to the under 35's then all opposition are p I s s I n g in the wind.

Centre Left politics needs a Farage type leader to rally this large section of society and create a movement under one banner.

This isn't rocket science but I'm not sure the people who inhabit the space that the Tories don't inhabit actually have the nous to either understand this or make it happen.

It would be a winning formula though, a leader with Blair type charisma, a "clean skin" type leader with no previous baggage who didn't have to grovel to the unions and the Trots and Marxists in the Labour Party.

A party of this genre would likely gain great revenue streams from pro Eu businesses who would fund them better than the unions.

This IS the answer.

Don't expect it to happen though.

Interestingly I think Keir Starmer would agree with most of what you have said and is why he did the recent reshuffle behind Angela Rayners back.

All of the promotions were rising star politicians who are strong performers in the media. People like Wes Streeting, Bridget Phillipson and Rachel Reeves all appear to be hand picked because of their media performances.

I honestly think the party think they have in Starmer a man who the great British public could imagine as PM, something most didn’t with Corbyn.

They need to appeal to those switches in areas such as here in Teesside, and from what I am hearing many are disillusioned by the Government and many at the moment are already talking of probably going back to Labour. How these new appointees perform will be crucial but I wouldn’t be surprised at anything at the moment.

09-12-2021, 07:49 PM
I think Starmer will be a bit like Kinnock ..... a transitional leader preparing the ground for a stronger Labour leader in years to come .... someone who is yet to emerge from the pack. Most politicians ultimately want to be in power to achieve something in government ....20 years in opposition must be pretty soul destroying.... except for the hard left factions of the Labour Party who seem to wallow in all the internal infighting ....

10-12-2021, 11:38 AM
You wont get a perfect politician. Not possible. They are all good and bad in different areas. Strong and weak in different areas. Its human imperfection.

I agree to an extent. I liked Blair but he didn't get everything right. I didn't like Thatcher, but she didn't get everything wrong.

What I want to see is people in charge who have got the country and its people's best interests at heart. Selfless and principled politicians. I just don't see in any shape or form with this government. They drift from scandal to scandal with hardly any consequence to them. They simply just don't care about normal, everyday people.

Not only are they neither smart or competent, but they make selfish decisions for their own self interest. The shameful thing is we've had this motley crew for 11 years now, and the likelihood is they'll be elected in at the next election too. You have to question why Labour have been so unelectable in this time.

As a disclaimer, I voted for Lib Dems in the last election and would do again if there was another one tomorrow. And I'd really like a party to come out of the wilderness near the centre line that can challenge the Tories and Labour. Having 2 major parties and no alternative competition for them is damaging the country, in my view.

10-12-2021, 12:16 PM
I agree to an extent. I liked Blair but he didn't get everything right. I didn't like Thatcher, but she didn't get everything wrong.

What I want to see is people in charge who have got the country and its people's best interests at heart. Selfless and principled politicians. I just don't see in any shape or form with this government. They drift from scandal to scandal with hardly any consequence to them. They simply just don't care about normal, everyday people.

Not only are they neither smart or competent, but they make selfish decisions for their own self interest. The shameful thing is we've had this motley crew for 11 years now, and the likelihood is they'll be elected in at the next election too. You have to question why Labour have been so unelectable in this time.

As a disclaimer, I voted for Lib Dems in the last election and would do again if there was another one tomorrow. And I'd really like a party to come out of the wilderness near the centre line that can challenge the Tories and Labour. Having 2 major parties and no alternative competition for them is damaging the country, in my view.

When it comes to choosing leaders the Lib Dems make the Labour Party choices look decent. Not since Paddy have they had one with any gravitas. How many could even name their present leader?

In response to Kettering's earlier post I agree with pretty much everything except the first line 'A change of leader isn’t going to transform British politics.' A leader can transform a school, a company, a Party (Blair) or indeed a country (Thatcher)

10-12-2021, 12:25 PM
When it comes to choosing leaders the Lib Dems make the Labour Party choices look decent. Not since Paddy have they had one with any gravitas. How many could even name their present leader?

In response to Kettering's earlier post I agree with pretty much everything except the first line 'A change of leader isn’t going to transform British politics.' A leader can transform a school, a company, a Party (Blair) or indeed a country (Thatcher)

My wider point was not necessarily about the LD's, it was to say its not good for the country only having 2 parties who can theoretically win an election. I'd like us to change our voting system, as FPTP favours this two party system.

10-12-2021, 02:42 PM
I agree to an extent. I liked Blair but he didn't get everything right. I didn't like Thatcher, but she didn't get everything wrong.

What I want to see is people in charge who have got the country and its people's best interests at heart. Selfless and principled politicians. I just don't see in any shape or form with this government. They drift from scandal to scandal with hardly any consequence to them. They simply just don't care about normal, everyday people.

Not only are they neither smart or competent, but they make selfish decisions for their own self interest. The shameful thing is we've had this motley crew for 11 years now, and the likelihood is they'll be elected in at the next election too. You have to question why Labour have been so unelectable in this time.

As a disclaimer, I voted for Lib Dems in the last election and would do again if there was another one tomorrow. And I'd really like a party to come out of the wilderness near the centre line that can challenge the Tories and Labour. Having 2 major parties and no alternative competition for them is damaging the country, in my view.

All the same 123. ALL OF THEM. In fact all of US. There is no Golden party. Even if you had web cams on them all 24/7 it won't change anything.

10-12-2021, 03:27 PM
All the same 123. ALL OF THEM. In fact all of US. There is no Golden party. Even if you had web cams on them all 24/7 it won't change anything.

Well, I agree you won't find perfection in people. But you can get the good and the not so good.

Its just the same as employing someone, or taking on a tradesman to work in your house. You get some who are very good at their jobs, and some who aren't, some with sinister motives and some who are as honest as they come.

Perfection is almost impossible, but usually there's a minimum threshold you expect. I would argue this Government are below that threshold.

10-12-2021, 04:31 PM
I agree to an extent. I liked Blair but he didn't get everything right. I didn't like Thatcher, but she didn't get everything wrong.

What I want to see is people in charge who have got the country and its people's best interests at heart. Selfless and principled politicians. I just don't see in any shape or form with this government. They drift from scandal to scandal with hardly any consequence to them. They simply just don't care about normal, everyday people.

Not only are they neither smart or competent, but they make selfish decisions for their own self interest. The shameful thing is we've had this motley crew for 11 years now, and the likelihood is they'll be elected in at the next election too. You have to question why Labour have been so unelectable in this time.

As a disclaimer, I voted for Lib Dems in the last election and would do again if there was another one tomorrow. And I'd really like a party to come out of the wilderness near the centre line that can challenge the Tories and Labour. Having 2 major parties and no alternative competition for them is damaging the country, in my view.

Given your stated age range in previous exchanges, how could you possibly have formed a proper opinion on Thatcher, she was finished whilst you were still a young child.

It’s like me offering my feelings on Alec Douglas-Home and Harold Wilson first time around.

Ludicrous to suggest a child of 0-10 can have a measured political opinion.

10-12-2021, 11:04 PM
Well I’ve read a lot of historical news pieces, studied her leadership through school and college. Just because I was young when she was PM doesn’t mean she didn’t implement some policies that affected me, or that I can’t form an opinion of her now. You can also measure and judge her decisions and policies with the benefit of time and hindsight.

There are 10 year olds in the country now, who in 30 years time, when they are 40ish, will form their own opinion of Boris Johnson, and the way he has handled Brexit and his decision making. This will affect their future too, and when that time comes they will have just as valid an opinion as me, being someone who is living through this time now as an adult. Don’t you think?

11-12-2021, 07:03 AM
Given your stated age range in previous exchanges, how could you possibly have formed a proper opinion on Thatcher, she was finished whilst you were still a young child.

It’s like me offering my feelings on Alec Douglas-Home and Harold Wilson first time around.

Ludicrous to suggest a child of 0-10 can have a measured political opinion.

Thatcher was a strong leader unlike the clown Boris! No one messed with Maggie!

11-12-2021, 09:46 AM
I must admit that I would 'give my right arm' to have Maggie leading this country at this moment in time!

11-12-2021, 02:26 PM
Sunak as been fairly quiet perhaps he was also at one of those numerous parties (gatherings)


14-12-2021, 11:46 AM
I must admit that I would 'give my right arm' to have Maggie leading this country at this moment in time!

Are you missing the good old days of record high unemployment and interest rates?

Maybe it was her record of almost crippling the NHS with chronic underfunding that would have really done the trick versus the old Coronavirus.

Go back since the start of Maggie's time and see which party invested the most into the NHS, it certainly wasn't any Tory government.

14-12-2021, 12:13 PM
I must admit that I would 'give my right arm' to have Maggie leading this country at this moment in time!

You know the old saying about giving with one hand and taking away with the other? If you'd have offered her one arm she'd have snatched 'em both off..... from the soggy end.

14-12-2021, 12:46 PM
At the time, I didn't like Thatcher, but respected her. She followed meritocracy when appointing ministers, rather than the current chumocracy which is bound to eventually fail. Likewise, we can see failures in different organizations where meritocracy has been abandoned in favour of quota filling. Once told that when the atlas was one-third pink, just 3000 civil servants administered the countries in those areas. Unbelievable how as a nation we have allowed this deterioration.

14-12-2021, 01:25 PM
At the time, I didn't like Thatcher, but respected her. She followed meritocracy when appointing ministers, rather than the current chumocracy which is bound to eventually fail. Likewise, we can see failures in different organizations where meritocracy has been abandoned in favour of quota filling. Once told that when the atlas was one-third pink, just 3000 civil servants administered the countries in those areas. Unbelievable how as a nation we have allowed this deterioration.

Blimey LB are you suggesting we should have stopped countries that once were part of the Empire from developing in a free way and making their own way in the world?

14-12-2021, 02:18 PM
Blimey LB are you suggesting we should have stopped countries that once were part of the Empire from developing in a free way and making their own way in the world?

Not at all-good luck to them, and I hope they prosper going forward. I'm just trying to highlight the deterioration in standards in the UK over the last forty to sixty years which have ended in poor appointments being made, which have led to poor decision making, and whose effects will last for decades.