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View Full Version : £8m set aside for portrait of Chaz!

02-04-2023, 02:16 PM
Just reading reports that the government are setting some £8 million aside so that every public body might have a copy of the portrait of the new King. In this current economic climate especially how bloody tone-deaf can you get!! I'm sure-if this story is true-that Charles himself would not be impressed.

Now, I'm a bit of a history buff and I like quite a bit of our (at times rather daft ) heritage and traditions and I do think it only right that such public bodies have their portraits of the Queen replaced by one of the new monarch. But at this price?? Surely they could each fund a bloody copy of a framed portrait themselves. What are they, gold framed or something?

03-04-2023, 06:17 AM
We won't tolerate a portrait of a blood sports fan in our place. Isn't hunting illegal?

03-04-2023, 06:18 AM
His dad did a lot to make Tigers an endangered species and the grovellers then made him president of the WWF.