View Full Version : ASM going to Saudi apparently

18-07-2023, 12:29 PM
ASM going to Saudi apparently. All over social media

18-07-2023, 04:30 PM
I hope its for north of 60mill if so. After all Fabinho is apparantly worth 40.

18-07-2023, 04:49 PM
It’s 40 apparently.

18-07-2023, 05:23 PM
I hope its for north of 60mill if so. After all Fabinho is apparantly worth 40.

Exactly what I said when I heard.

Mind, it's ****ter so who knows what the truth is.

18-07-2023, 09:21 PM
https://scontent.fbrs1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/361105104_648899860595927_961232040090468634_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=3nbr6VthidAAX-kPNUN&_nc_ht=scontent.fbrs1-2.fna&oh=00_AfCvDhMQwvGuG1_VxaJQvGSnVxqm-vNGVv77WnmiU7-uNQ&oe=64BC2F5A

19-07-2023, 06:52 AM
Only turned 26 earlier this year so we should really be looking to get the most money a club owned by PIF is willing to pay another club owned by PIF.

Seriously I think we should be looking to be right on the verge of blatantly taking the p!ss, and any clubs that complain then the 4 clubs in Saudi do no business with going forward.

19-07-2023, 09:21 AM
We could actually take the p*ss with the price arguing that no other player in the PL can do what he does.

19-07-2023, 09:30 AM
We could actually take the p*ss with the price arguing that no other player in the PL can do what he does.Yes but only effective a couple of times a season and I think he only scored once in the league last term.
A quick comparison Barnes scored 13 with lots of assists in a relegated team.

19-07-2023, 09:44 AM
Yes but only effective a couple of times a season and I think he only scored once in the league last term.
A quick comparison Barnes scored 13 with lots of assists in a relegated team.
No, I agree and I would swap him for Barnes. I was referring to an excuse to justify a high price for hm.

23-07-2023, 09:20 AM
I feel so sorry for him. by going to Saudi, that's all his dreams destroyed.

his priority ambitions were to play in the champions league and get into the french squad. - according to him in earlier interviews.

23-07-2023, 12:43 PM
I feel so sorry for him. by going to Saudi, that's all his dreams destroyed.

his priority ambitions were to play in the champions league and get into the french squad. - according to him in earlier interviews.

The lad will do 1 or 2 seasons out there make outrgeous money and head back to La Liga or Serie A. Whilst in Saudi he'll work on his card game and turn that into a major business as he wishes.

I ain't gonna cry for him or his bank account.

Also if he was more consistent would he even have still been at NUFC to make this transfer or would he have been offered the chance to join a CL club over the last 4 seasons? Probably yes.

Would he have stayed and been loyal if he was doing the business in 25-30 game a season instead of 5-10? Probably not.

This summer how many CL clubs came a knocking to sign him? Probably none.

So much as we Geordies love ourselves a mercurial winger who gets bums off seats we are in a new age now. The Era of Howe.

Heard a great quote earlier.

"Some managers need a player like Maxi & Eddie Howe doesn't" - That captures the essence of it. Eddie Howe needs 11 player that collectively make 12.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGC9WoBt2FE - Craig Hope makes this comment. Like him or loath him I try to remain impartial to all commentators of the club to get a clearer picture of what the club has fed to them as professionals.

All we know is that the money will be reinvested wisely with a focus on improving a weakness within the first team and playing squad.

EH looked and sounded a lot more positive in the recent press conference so I'm guessing we've turned a corner and recruitment is now ramped up in full swing!


23-07-2023, 04:14 PM
I feel so sorry for him. by going to Saudi, that's all his dreams destroyed.

his priority ambitions were to play in the champions league and get into the french squad. - according to him in earlier interviews.
He had a contract with us. If he wanted to stay he could. There’s a lot of smoke and mirrors around ASMs transfer not least from the player himself so I’d be careful before thinking we fully understand what’s going on here. Eddie always says he doesn’t want to lose a player (Wood, Shelvey too) and so that’s not a great inficator.