View Full Version : Saudi Arabia to host 2034 World Cup?

01-11-2023, 01:36 AM
They say money doesn’t talk……really!

Apparently with Australia pulling out of the bidding war, it left the Saudis a clear run to submit what looks like a winning bid.

Does anyone ever see the UK ever hosting the World Cup again?

01-11-2023, 02:21 AM
Money doesn't talk?

I know Yorkshire has it's own language but has it developed it's own book of idioms/proverbs/phrases? I'll file that one away with:-

Not enough cooks spoil the broth.
He who laughs last, laughs quietest.
Revenge is a dish best served hot.


01-11-2023, 04:30 AM
As long as Gareth Southgate can insist his lads keep taking the knee it’s not a problem holding it in a country with their human rights record
If it’s good enough for Qatar then Saudi is fine

01-11-2023, 10:15 AM
Money doesn't talk?

I know Yorkshire has it's own language but has it developed it's own book of idioms/proverbs/phrases? I'll file that one away with:-

Not enough cooks spoil the broth.
He who laughs last, laughs quietest.
Revenge is a dish best served hot.


01-11-2023, 03:19 PM
At least there won’t be any queues for beer