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Thread: feil folk

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    feil folk

    Feil Muggie was an auld wifey that stayed in Meldrum years ago. Always had a bag of pandrops but didn't like it when us kids called her by her sweet of choice. Every day in summer we would be at the park and she would walk by going to the bowling. She'd nearly be in the gate and someone would shout 'PANDROPS'. Que feil muggie turning round and chasing us with her scissors, 'you feckin c*nts, feckin feck'. Next day she would be best friends telling us all about her day.... until someone called her pandrops again that is.

    Always wondered what would happen if she did catch any of us with those scissors

    Any other feil hoor stories?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Feil Mary in Ellon

    She used to ride a bike all the time, all seasons for what seems all day. She even had a paper round in her 60s. She was often seen cycling to Hatton.She was another that took offence at being shouted at. "Feil Mary" the kids would holler. She would go (ahem) feil. Later on she used to just push her bike around as her body was failing her

    Everyone in Ellon kens Feil Mary

    I mind being in the Legion with Pac Da and Pac Ma when this ungodly smell hit us and the rest of the punters. Everyone was giving eachother the "gee wizz was that you" stare. In the corner trying to contain her laughter was Feil Mary. Still possibly the worst fart ive smelt. Id go as far to say she had probably shat herself that night

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Nice, any photos? Sounds like a good WYOWYN

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Hoover Jim/Jimmy the Hoover, Ellon

    A deaf and dumb guy who also not all there. F@cking loves motorbikes. Dresses in full leathers and tries to flag doon motorbikes for backies. Even made the P(iss) & J(obbies) where they warned of this. He usually stands/stood at the BP garage but even stood on the Peterhead road(A90). If a bike went past he thumbs up and clap maniacly.

    He also had/has a huge array of fitba and rugby shirts. He used to come into my local wearing one of whoever was on the telly teams. Dons/Villa/Man U/Springboks/Scotland/Chelsea. But my favourite one was when Scotland played England in the 6 nations. Me and Pac Da(big egg chaser) were in for a few and the game, the bar was busy and in walks Hoover in his England rugby top, this started off a wave of booing and hissing which everyone realised simultaneously was pointless so he got the thumbs down instead much to everyones hillarity.

    He was/is also a pint theif and wasnt shy of making pints up of others dregs from various discarded beers or just out and out stealing your pint.

    Some guy. Still on the go but im seldom in Ellon these days to ken if hes still on the prowl

    The Hoover name comes from the pint stealing as he "hoovered" other folks pints
    Last edited by Pacman1903; 13-01-2017 at 10:37 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by mondo_notion View Post
    Nice, any photos? Sounds like a good WYOWYN
    My ma once said if she told her stories akot of men in Ellon would be affa embarrased

    Google images doesnt have any

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I trust Elgin's Jimmy The Bus, fanatical Red and Borough Briggs regular will be paid tribute to by the drummer Red fae Elgin with whom I gave discussed Jimmy before?

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