I suppose anyone caught criticising Israel over its recent attacks on Jenin will be accused of anti-Semitism.

The situation is complicated but a cursory look at the difference between the maps of Israel and Palestine of 1948 and today show the problem. For geo-political reasons the West have done very little for decades other than to class the growing Israeli occupation of Palestine as "illegal" and the US has spent billions shoring up the Israeli military. The late 90s and early 2000s seemed to hint at some hope of a 2 state resolution with many younger Israelis themselves beginning to see a difference between anti-Semitism and Zionist expansion and having sympathy for their Palestinian neighbours but these hopes seem long gone now. The current right wing Israeli government is much to blame and the younger Palestinians are clearly disillusioned by both their own elder leaders and the failure of the West to do more to help them. Small wonder that some see violent retaliation as their only option. This has been a long time coming and can sadly only see it getting worse.