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Thread: Politics and the BBC

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Politics and the BBC

    Don't know if any of you watched QT on Thursday or seen any of the subsequent fall out.. To put it mildly it was a total set-up and overtly anti Independence/SNP.

    I found this I have absolutely no idea who wrote it but for me who has kept an eye on Auntie from the Miners strike to the Iraq invasion makes much sense to me.

    "There’s folk getting in an awful stooshie over over the whole BBC Question Time rammy. For the record, include me out.
    It cuts - doesn’t it- to the heart of the whole independence debate. I haven’t got involved in it because anyone who is shocked or outraged by it hasn’t been paying attention. Spending a second thinking about it, far less getting annoyed about it, is a terribly wasteful use of our resources, particularly when time is short. We can’t afford to be distracted by dead cat politics. The BBC isn’t biased. Its job is to promote Britishness. It’s constitution says so. It is doing the day job, to borrow from Ruth Davidson.
    The BBC was, from its inception, and remains, a propaganda organisation for the British Establishment. It’s clearly written in its constitution. It came about to a greater or lesser extent as a response to the discontent after the Great War (Churchill ordering tanks into George Square. Aye, that sort of thing). The whole point of the BBC is to promote and further the aims of the United Kingdom. The idea of Britain is their shibboleth. A growing Scottish independence movement is a threat. It would be naive to expect anything other than a powerful response to any challenge to it. In a very real sense, the BBC isn’t being impartial because it never claimed to be so. It is defending the British state and the UK establishment. That is what is does.
    So forgive me for failing to join in with the faux outrage. Because there’s a wider issue here: we won’t win our independence by playing to the rules of another country. The house always wins. England always gets what England wants. We have to disabuse ourselves of the notion that the British establishment will give us a fair hearing, because the whole point of them is to deny us this. In fact, what they are doing now - what they have done - all they have done - since we committed an unforgivable act of self-harm in 2014 by becoming the first people in history to vote against itself - is to make sure that we can never ask the question - “should Scotland be an independent country?” - ever again.
    I’d go as far to say that to fight a referendum and expect another’s country’s media, political and administrative apparatus to even pretend to give us a fair hearing, far less allow us due process, is touchingly (and dangerously) naive; particularly when the raison d’etre of that apparatus is to deny Scotland its democracy.
    So my thinking is this.
    We should have nothing whatsoever to do with the BBC, or Question Time. The house will always win. Any pro-independence party must have nothing to do with an institution that clearly despises it.
    We should call an independence referendum immediately. We’ll win. It won’t be recognised and will be called “advisory”. But so was the Brexit vote. By virtue of something happening, it becomes a political imperative. It cannot be ignored. And at least we can trust the process.
    We have to make our own way, play by our own rules. It’s impossible to win when you don’t own the game, especially when those rules can be changed to suit the house.
    Question Time is a distraction, a programme full of sound and a fury signifying nothing, and Thursday’s edition should remind us once again that, for those of us of independent mind, we should simply recognise it for the distraction that it is. And then regain our dignity.
    And then get on with our lives, as a normal, happy, independent people. At last."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    ....and they can stuff their new BBC Weeg channel right up their a'rses.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by donsdaft View Post
    ....and they can stuff their new BBC Weeg channel right up their a'rses.
    Funny you should say that DD. Just been reading the Orange order ..flute playing Nat-bashing ultra H.u..n Ukip candidate Billy Mitchell was invited on and allowed to ask ANOTHER question in a pilot "Scottish QT" programme pre-recorded at Napier University recently, Im no optimistic ..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Haven't actually watched a telly as such since they invaded Iraq (the lies and propaganda finished me off) but I was away to watch some fitba or something on my ipad and caught a trailer for what is clearly going to be s'hite.

    "...and now on BBC Weeg we have McEastenders by ra way big man but"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Some info on the biased BBC.
    The BBC has requested freedom of information (FOI) on the Scottish government 44 times in 3 years.

    The BBC have requested NO (FOI)on the British government in the same period .

    The BBC has requested no (FOI ) on the Labour party or the Lib-Dems or the Conservative party in Scotland.

    Why do folk pay a license fee for a company to misrepresent Scotland. All the while work for the London government.
    Beggars belief.
    Last edited by Disco Buc; 11-02-2019 at 05:44 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    I cancelled my Direct Debit for the TV licence at the start of December. They immediately put a debt recovery agency called Akinika on the case, who scatter gunned some texts & emails at me. Since then, there’s been nothing. I’m not paying to have Farage & Johnson lie to me every day. They can f*ck right off

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Mason89 View Post
    I cancelled my Direct Debit for the TV licence at the start of December. They immediately put a debt recovery agency called Akinika on the case, who scatter gunned some texts & emails at me. Since then, there’s been nothing. I’m not paying to have Farage & Johnson lie to me every day. They can f*ck right off
    Nice one Mason .

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