Quote Originally Posted by Pacman1903 View Post
So fit bugs have we got so far

1)search function gone (again)
2)post count eradicated
3)home button missing
4)classic threads gone.
5)like button gone
6)possibly a word limit
7)i have a flower
8)c@nt is still a banned word
These aren't really bugs, they are either default settings for vBulletin that nobody has bothered to change or test, or "executive decisions" made by Sibo to cut down the effort required to switch to a new bit of software.


1) There is a search function. In fact, there are at least two - the main box at the top right hand of the site, and the "search forum" option in the top right of the Stand-free forum (and all others).

However, there are two problems. Firstly, the main search pulls posts from all forums on the site, not just AbMad's forums. This is because nobody bothered to explain that vBulliten uses subcriptions to narrow what you see, that the main search uses all forums you are subscribed to, and that we are subscribed to all of them by default.

Secondly, only threads that have been posted to since the switchover will show up. This is probably because nobody has bothered to index the posts that were ported over from the old site so they can be searched.

2) Post count. This falls under "executive decision" - probably viewed as too much time to be bothered to set the post counts.

3) Home page. One for "nobody has bothered to change or test". The default configuration of vBulletin would make the Footymad root page the home.

4) Dead threads. "Executive decision" - either too much effort or, being generous, an incompatibility issue. Not really thought through though as a fair number of the killed threads were still active.

5) Likes. "nobody has bothered to change or test". not a default vBulletin feature AFAIK. Might be possible, who knows.

6) Post length. "nobody has bothered to change or test". most likely due to a vBulletin default character number. Sibo needs to increase the value in the site char limit parameter.

7) Pacs gay flower. "nobody has bothered to change or test". The flower denotes ICQ, which was still around when this software was rolled out in the late 2000s. Sibo should be able to turn ICQ support off by unticking a box.

8) C@nt.

I agree that the most frustrating aspect of this is the lack of involvement by Sibo in engaging his own users - no headsups, explanation of changes, feedback, nothing.

It's around this time that the subject of moving this community away from here to a voluntary forum that we have more control over seems quite appealing again, especially as there don't seem to be any representatives of FootyMad present on these forums to give a shyte about us talking about it these days.

Didn't someone have a suitable domain and server kicking about?