Quote Originally Posted by Brian Grantland View Post
she's on the list because of her position

but we have a failing education system - unbelievable two tier
failing nhs with waiting time targets never being hit
enormous social problems, inequality and lack of mobility
an economy in the ne that is being crippled by the oil price and where growth across all of scotland has stagnated tosuch a degree that economists are talking recession...

but she takes selphies with acolytes

genuinely buc where is the competence in government we kept hearing about
I would just like to say firstly NHS and waiting times have vastly improved on Labours record. The Scottish attainment has increased to £750 million all this achieved with one hand tied behind their back .. Re the decreasing block grant

The economy oil & gas so much for the broad shoulders of the UK this has happened under their watch not the SNPs ...the enormous social problems inequality and lack of mobility basically the fault of WM austerity policies .. The SNP have tried to mitigate wherever they can IE bedroom tax Finally people just DONT return incompetent governments.

I would also like to say our London born and living in Stevenage niece had to pay thousands to go to university to become a lawyer
Raking up huge dept .

My son went to Glasgow uni free .all we had to pay for was his living expenses IE flat rental etc.