I am totally stunned.
I don't know if you realise that - to the rest of the world - this looks on a par with Donald Trump being selected as a Presidential candidate.
And it's no good saying, "The rest of the world doesn't understand."
That's just not true because fear of excessive immigration is rife everywhere - even in New Zealand, where the Chinese are the currently favoured scapegoats.
This decision is just so short-sighted. The immigration problem isn't going to disappear overnight anyway, and what about the lasting damage to other parts of the economy?
In my lifetime, this whine of "They're taking all our jobs" has come up time and again - despite the fact that the incomers usually do the shi**iest jobs for the shi**iest wages!
Have people not taken into account at all the political side of it? After a thousand years of European wars (mainly caused by petty, chest-thumping nationalism), we finally manage to create a union that makes such wars impossible, only to dump it in favour of good old HMS England, bravely taking on the world in the spirit of Queen Victoria and Churchill.
In any case, whatever your views, how anyone would want to be on the same side as Boris, Farage and Gove beats me!