Quote Originally Posted by 54FairAndSquare View Post
We’ve seen some sights on this thread

Apparently grooming two under-age girls for *** is a “total non story”

And sending a pic of your dick to a 14 year old “is a bit of a drawing the line scenario”

But of course, singing The Billy Boys is a hate crime. No drawing the line there then.

Speirs does seem to have many kindred spirits among the yahoos support

The irony of getting the jail for singing the Billy Boys and getting a slap on the wrist for molesting two vulnerable young girls seems lost on Speirs. And his yahoo kindred spirits
You have only seen what you want to see. Like your 'friend', you appear to have trouble telling truth from lies - or perhaps you know exactly what you are doing and are just being dishonest - let's face it - it is what you 'peepil' do, which is why no-one takes any notice of your fanzine campaigns any more.
The only non-story here was the pish you posted about some daft journalist claiming that someone should be rehabilitated after 5 years - and the only reason you posted it was because there were a bunch of rabid huns on it greetin about not being allowed to sing one of their vile little ditties that is against the law.
You clowns can deflect and deny all you like - you are like a bunch of screamin weans ranting and raving about not getting your own way... absolutely fkn hilarious