I have just had a visitor to my house and i have never felt rage like this. A whole new level of anger.

There i was playing with Pac Jnr in the living room when someone knocked at the door. When i opened i initially thought it was a copper due to the uniform. It was infact the RSPCA.

I invited the lady in and asked what i could do for her. She asked if i had a cat and if its ginger and i said i did

She then went on to say there had been an "anonymous tip off" that my cat was "unhealthly" thin and "is regularly left out the house for up to 10 hours a day". I couldnt believe my ears. She then asked if Denis was in (he had came in a few minutes earlier for his tea) So i went to the garage and i opened the door and he came bounding out as he always does. The RSPCA lady said, "i think ill just close this job as its nonesense". "Hes full of energy and got a lovely coat" means hes being looked after.

She then went on to say that she had to "immediatley respond" as weight was mentioned and aplogised for wasting my time. I also showed her the set off shelves dedicated to Denis in my garage amd said "does that look like he doesnt eat". I explained that he is spoilt and i treat him better than i treat myself.

Once she left it dawned on me that she "immediatley responded" This means they were phoned today. When im at home Denis is hardly out the house as he stays by my side all day pretty much as hes my bud. Hes out when im away to Angola and Mrs Pacs at work. Bloody cat in the outdoors shocker

So to whoever phoned them. You horrible f@cking lying c@nt. Your full of sh@t and I wish you nothing bit ill. An emaciated cat isnt hard to tell apart from a healthy cat you f@cking spazzy. That cat leads a better life than alot of humans do. What would make you think its treated badly. Just for the record. The nice RSPCA lady said its a shame its anonymous as she would have phoned them back and told them what she though and to stop wasting their time

So as it says at the top. To the cowardly anonymous c@nt who phoned up F@CK YOU

Does that look like an unhappy emaciated cat ye f@cking prick