A good day out in Burton, and then came the football! Burton deserved their victory, especially on their second half performance. Wolves have an habit down the years of being on the end of a former player scoring against them. Today it was no different. Michael Kightly received dogs abuse from a quite a few Wolves fans, he answered them with Burton's first, he looked the one most likely to score for the home side, had two decent efforts before his goal, fair play to him for his muted celebration. It was no surprise to me that Burton went on to win the game, another goal scored from close range with no one marking the scorer as the ball came in.

From a Wolves perspective, today's tactics was to lump it forward, the Burton Albion defence lapped it up every time. There was no creativity from a Wolves perspective and the ball was again giving away with ease. Helder Costa with a great penalty to give Wolves the lead, but barely showed up today, just like the majority of his team-mates. But for Carl Ikeme, the score could've been greater. The home side could easily have had a penalty in each half, the second one led to the equaliser.

A bad day at the office for Wolves.