I had been fairly sceptical about Mr. Eisner's bid for the club until last night. I think that last night showed to me that we have 2 distinct options for the club, 1) is to grub around Division 3 and Division 4 with an occasional sortie into the Championship and back again in a slowly crumbling ground or 2) we have to allow someone to come in and inject much needed investment to at the very least update the ground in respect of Health and Safety and I do believe that for anyone to do that they will want high if not probably total control of the club. I am disappointed that Mr. Eisner is determined that PST will not have representation on the board and quite frankly I did not follow his reasoning for this but on the other hand it does seem that Messrs Catlin and Cook will remain in situ which I believe is a very good thing. Overall Mr. Eisner's presentation was very slick, no more, no less than what you would expect from a former head of the Disney Corporation but there is no doubt that his pedigree stands up to scrutiny. Some of his plans for the club did seem a bit vague to me but I did like his reasoning for choosing Pompey in that he preferred to take underperforming businesses and turn them around than moving in to already successful concerns and there is no doubt that he has done that in the past. So to me it comes down to what I want for the club, which is an improved stadium, hopefully Fratton Park but if not a prestigious stadium that reflects the tradition and history of the club and not a relatively cheap flat pack stadium (naming no names), a successful team by whatever definition people want to apply to that, a successful academy and to continue our success in community work. As far as I can see it is extremely unlikely that with our current structure we could achieve all that so we therefore need outside investment. Watching Mr. Eisner last night he and his sons came across as genuine and I doubt very much that we will ever get anyone that is anywhere near his calibre to invest in the club so I have done an about turn and will be voting 'Yes' to the takeover. I would love to hear other views and where you think, if I have, I may have gone wrong.