Quote Originally Posted by Ellis_D View Post
Having known links with terrorists, hate preaching or discussing potential terror attacks are all examples to me of being enough to deport or imprison. But we don't. We wait until we have concrete proof an attack may be imminent, then we arrest. Or, because we leave it too late, we completely miss people who are already on the terror suspects list, and then they attack, like in London and Manchester.

This scumbag the other day was known to have close links to terrorists. If he was being monitored properly, they would know he made recent trips to Libya, Syria and Germany. All that adds up to more than enough to arrest and indefinitely imprison to me. You might not agree. And that is the problem, neither do our liberal politicians. (I know you will have a wry smile or a big laugh at the thought of the Tories being liberals, but on this matter, they are FAR too left wing.)
Yep, big wry smile, because you show your naivety in posting such, i've read most of your posts over the years and you really should learn about politics, i don't blame you, you've just never had the education in politics have you, you've only started to take note when grabbed by a populist headline, maybe from a mate, a fellow football fan etc etc the trick is to see stuff from all sides, i get your dislike of Labour, because i'm guessing that Blairs labour gov't was the one in power when you touched on politics, but to state that a tory gov't is left wing.......you're perception of left wing is way off mark fella, way off mark.