Quote Originally Posted by darrenshedtastic View Post
well either Ray has panicked and went and got replacement keepers before bell is leaving or hes lying about having heard no contact for him.
why bring in two keepers in the space of a week (even if one is only on loan) if bell isnt leaving? with the budget restrictions already in place why spend a wage on a keeper when you could go and get another player on that wage? it doesnt add up to me. either bell is leaving its just not been finalised yet and ray is lying or he panicked and signed players incase bell did leave and he hasnt.

if bell does stay then whats the point in having two backup keepers. clearly bell will still be no.1
Great post darren,now if you were to ask me who i trust between DUFC and the Plumber the middle eastern sanitary technician win's hand's doon,FACT.The keepers have been signed because Bell has said he's away but it look's to me like McCulloch has just noticed Killie are mince and he need's every area of the pitch strengthened bar his keeper's.