Attention seeker? Self psychological awareness is clearly not one of your strong points, another one you can add to that endless list eh Peterborough

I wasn't surprised that you didn't manage to read it... I wasn't expecting you to come back with any sort of counter, I'm way above your pay grade mate, you haven't got the intellect to challenge me on any subject, especially not footballing matters regarding United.

I'm sure if you compared his 30 page dossier on how he plans on improving not only the 1st team but also the club on a long term project to your postage stamp worth of crap you'd have a better understanding of how a successful team is built on a limited budget...

But that's not gonna happen so tick to blindly hating Rafa with no substance, it doesn't bother me in the slightest mate, I'd try to refrain from including your yr3 maths logic though, it's not doing anything for your business acumen.

As you were