Those running our football club were taught a very harsh business lesson 2 seasons ago that resulted in huge budget cuts last season. In spite of implementing these budget cuts, even that was not enough to keep us solvent as a trading operation and we needed the working mans equivalent of pay day loans to keep us going. The fact of the matter is that those loans will need to be paid back before anything else, so I'd say that it is unlikely there is going to be any windfall going to the playing side of things. This season's budgets need to be strictly adhered to, as there will be next next to no income to the business of the football club through away supporters this season and the current financial year for the football club is only a matter of weeks old. Talk of speculate to accumulate with 5/6 weeks of the transfer window to go is far too emotional and we need to learn to urinate with the appendage we have; which is no that big, being a hardcore of what 5,500 supporters? To coin a JYM phrase, apart from the non stop bickering of 30 odd months, the support have been "magnificent" in turning up to watch United, so can we try and have a little bit of calm please? And if we don't come away from Inverness with at least a point, keep our fingers away from the button marked "meltdoon"? It's gonna be a long hard season ahead folks!!!