The Blades continued their winning ways as they saw off Stoke with a late winner at Bramall Lane. United have won every game in pre-season and are now unbeaten right back to the 24th January when they lost to Fleetwood Town. United faced a strong Potters side packed full of quality and Premier League experience but deserved to win the game.

For long spells United bossed the game and for long spells the home side controlled possession and the tempo of the game. Indeed, United were unfortunate not to be in front at half time after having most of the game and chances. Two defensive errors from Shawcross and O’Connell gave goals to Sharp and Shaqiri respectively. Second half Stoke came into more and maybe had more chances than the Blades but United yet again finished stronger and after a series of chances at the end, Brooks scored the winner with almost the last kick of the game.

United began with only two chances from the side that won at Rotherham with Enda Stevens and Caolan Lavery coming in for Daniel Lafferty and Leon Clarke. There was still no place in the squad for injury stricken George Baldock, James Hanson or Ched Evans. Young development keeper Jim Pollard was on the bench for the Blades. Stoke had a strong side out packed full of internationals including newcomers Darren Fletcher and Chelsea loanee Kurt Zouma. They had a bench with Peter Crouch, Diouf, Bojan, Imbula and Charlie Adam.

United’s latest signing John Lundstram was introduced to the crowd just before the kick off.

The Blades began the game on the front foot with the typical pressing and harrying penning Stoke back. When they got the ball Coutts and Fleck got on it early and often but it was Carruthers playing the front of the three who had the early chances with a curling long range shot just wide and another shot saved by Grant. It was not long before United went in front though and it was that man SHARP. It was awful defending from Shawcross who failed to deal with the danger twice before his weak header did not get anywhere near enough purchase on it to get to Grant and Sharp got onto it and easily drilled past Grant.

Stoke had not been in it but Shaqiri had a shot over before United came back onto the attack. Neat, patient football saw Freeman, Basham and then Carruthers involved before Lavery nodded just wide from the cross from the right. Johnson drilled a cross that evaded everyone for the visitors. Sharp the hit a shot over after a good run from the skipper before Coutts switched play but Stevens cross was blocked. United were playing some lovely football and in many ways carried on the football from last season. More interchange and strong running saw Grant then save from Coutts.

Carruthers then hit a dipping volley from a corner before Sharp then linked well with Fleck but his low shot was saved rather more comfortably from Grant. United were in complete control and more goals looked like coming but then against the run of play Stoke got level.

O’Connell tried to control the ball but Stoke nipped in and Sobhi’s clever ball found Shaqiri who clipped past Eastwood giving the young keeper no chance. It was out of nothing but showed that you cannot make even half mistakes against Premier League quality. After this Stoke won a soft free kick and Shaqiri’s effort was palmed away from Eastwood. The ball rebounded and ricocheted around before being cleared away from Fleck.

The second half saw Berahino have a decent effort just wide and then another that went out for a throw as Stoke looked to up the pace of their attacks. Shaqiri continued to probe and prompt. Crouch was now on and he had a free header over as Stoke now looked more likely from an attacking sense but the game was still relatively even. A few sloppy defensive mistakes nearly saw the visitors in and the Blades made a few blocks from efforts both in and outside the box. United had not had the fluency of the first half but still with Coutts continuing to get on the ball and defenders coming out with the ball they were not settling for a draw.

A number of substitutions followed for both sides with Duffy coming on for the Blades and looking to get on the ball and prompt for the home side but it was a Stoke sub who nearly scored with Bojan’s shot not long after he came on deflecting wide.

Brooks was on for United and his touch and running saw United nearly get in down the right before Duffy fired just wide for the Blades and Adam just over for Stoke. Time was ticking down now and United had a late surge that culminated in the winner. Coutts had two shots blocked and then another effort was blocked inside the box, the ball was slipped inside to Freeman who played a clever ball across and BROOKS rammed home from close range. It was no more than United deserved. The winning goal summed up United’s tenacity over the last season as they kept going and going in an almost relentless determination not to be denied. The final whistle went seconds after the restart with no real stoppage time played.

United – We were very good tonight. First half especially we looked excellent. Stoke looked a bit shocked at how good we were on and off the ball. We zinged it about and it moved around at pace. We played some lovely interchange and the movement off the ball was very good. Coutts and Fleck carried on where they left off. We actually looked the higher division side for most of the first half save for some impish play from Shaqiri. If we had been a bit better with the final ball or more clinical it could have been 3 or 4-0 at half time. We made one mistake and it cost us and they levelled. After this it was more even and they had a few decent chances second half but we kept playing decent football and I felt we finished stronger and had players wanting to drive at the defence and make things happen. 2-1 was a fair reflection of the game in the end.

It was pleasing that we seem fit, sharp and passed it well. The no fear factor seems to have continued even against even better players, albeit a friendly and Stoke seemed a bit disinterested a times. I was really pleased with what I saw tonight. We can improve in different areas but if we replicate that level of commitment, passing and skill, we will be fine.

The two weakest players might have been the two new lads. Not that they were awful. They were ok but struggled with pace of our play, both without the ball and with it. You have to press and constantly be trying to get it back and then when you have it, you have to move it quickly and then move into space. They both struggled at times and you can see how well drilled you have to be to get to the way United play.

Carruthers at times struggled last season but looked more with this type of intense play tonight. The rest of the side, it was same as really. Basham and O’Connell (a couple of errors apart) attacked the ball and came onto it. Freeman got forward well. Fleck was combative and busy and Coutts just dictated play. Sharp looked lively first half and Lavery also showed some flashes of good play. Overall lots of plusses tonight. Stearman and Stevens actually got stronger as the game went on and Duffy and Brooks looked decent when they came on, wanting to get on the ball and make things happen. Clarke also seems to have lost weight and moved around well chasing defenders down.

We still need a few more players. You feel another centre back will come in and the rumours around Leonard suggest that may still happen at some point despite Lundstram being signed. The priory will be a keeper. It seems Moore was walking without crutches which is a good sign despite rumours of a ligament injury but you feel he still could be out for a while and miss the start of the season. Eastwood did well but you we need an experience keeper regardless of how long Moore will be out for. Also with doubts over fitness of Evans and Hanson, I am not sure we have enough up top. A pacy Premier League loanee would be nice to add to the mix. I am not sure Clarke and Lavery are quite good enough and feel it is still an area we need to improve.