beginning of the season Alan went on about WOW signings quality squad & that his phone was red hot with players. he
pumped up the club so much even I though WOW we going for it here,

But that PR was just before season tickets were put on sale. Yes Alan wants the best for the club of course he does, But the way he speaks he needs to think how he comes across,

Alan is a very me me me me type of man. that's his choice & he has so far done financially well in his life.

On Twitter some of the stuff he comes out with is laughable. the other week after Accrington Draw he came out with. It shows how far we have come when we have drawn a game and we not happy with a draw. what a load of crap. we messed up simple as.

hope he learns fast as people will start to take what he says as a pinch of salt

think we messed up yesterday in the transfer window. I cannot see it being that there was no player available better than what we have, If its because we don't have the funds then just say that so we understand, don't go on about we have a good enough squad, when every tom dick & harry knows if we get a couple of injuries we are knackered .

Anyway I will be at Port Vale tomorrow & hopefully 3 points