Mmmm,so to much tactical foreplay resulting in a damp squib performance we all agree then resulting in a right mess(i).
Pulling the goalie for being too stiff between the posts is maybe a tad premature IMO but alas his experienced handling around the box was seen as just naive fumbling.
Pontus must feel relieved after taking a hard blow and hopefully will back up onto his feet ready to cover all positional zones required to keep us back on top.
We certainly require a stronger finish performance wise with more poke up front via different variation tactical techniques,better tighter ball control,more agile positioning and more vocal encouragement to last the full 90 minutes.
With the long grind of a season ahead let's hope all players soon get bedded in and put in performances that'll pump up the ER volume and send us all home hot,sweaty and satisfied for a good nights sleep and raring to go again when we wake up.
Just saying like ....... that's '***y football 'in it' Jez ?