Quote Originally Posted by blowupsheep View Post
I'm personally very happy Pac, i hear your concern / opinion about if the club kayboshed the huns request to speak to DM then how did he manage to speak to them? If you read the clubs statement, DM was given a couple of days to discuss his future with his family and do a bit of soul searching. IF !!! he chose to speak to the huns then he was going to have to resign in order to do that. DM has since said he was not prepare to resign and not prepared to walk away and did want to tarnish what he has built up with us over the years.
yes he had something to think about but in the end its a Great decision for all concerned........ Happy days indeed

COYR, onwards and upwards

One city, one club, Standing Free since 1903
Geez the Scottish Cup and ill maybe think alls hunky dory