Bexit:Thought it was about time it got another post.

The EU and all the 'experts' seem to have a problem with the UK not having strong goverment. Well let's have a look at their big players,

Germans: Don't have a govt and haven't had for months,
France: New kid on the block so hasn't had much opportunity to upset anyone. Macron has vowed to take on unions. Bonne chance mon ami with that one.
Spain: Enough said about their problems.
Italy: Banks facing crisis. Again. If the Italian ecenomy goes pop it will make the Greek financial problem insignificant. Italy is a basket case.
Poland: In danger of having it's voting rights taken away because of their ban on Muslim immigrants. Sure they will love that. Don't they know the wishes of the locals mean nothing to Brussels?
Austria: Just gone into coalition with a far right anti EU party.

I think the countries of the EU make May's goverment look strong and stable (and that takes some doing.) Just get us a far away from that lot as possible.

I suggest a load of dredgers to make the Channel a bit wider.