Think it is- as a far away supporter -in Scotland - I have to take my soundings from here and other webpages MOTD is poor coverage
One thing I do notice is the tone of the posters earlier it was anger now it seems resignation
The board have really made a mess of so many things- but what can you expect they are all 2nd raters - Williams.garlick, hammond. They stuck with TP too long AP only a short term bounce merchant & that bounce hasn't happened.
our transfer policy has been rubbish for several seasons and we are caught out now too many and too old DMF , few creative players and all injured , our strikers on strike
Inability to hold leads, inability to see out games- killer blows.
Peace say tjis coming and bailed out
Sold for a price that would have bought Villa Wolves Blues - all three.
Our Chinaman has no interest in the club- he bought in for Sky money and homeland leverage
He was sold a pup and does not have the acumen or courage to spend us out
Williams should be in China telling Lai- no play no PL play. **** FFP pay the fine save the status
I just don't see any ambition , any fight- the players will try but only so far they will be looking at next season and many of them are not up for that battle- too old too rich too complacent- they've won all they are going to win.
Sorry for the pessimism- just the way I see it & I don't see us coming back up any time soon.

Better go- hear the fat lady warming up