I know a week has passed but Falkirk is still pissing me off!

I had the pleasure (or otherwise) of watching on their stream and from before kick off you knew the whole club was up for it. The commentators were talking about high tempo, being in our faces, solid work rate and most disturbing was the talk of kicking our better players off the park in an organised rotation. Yes kicking individual players!

Now if the TV channel can be as pumped for a game it means a message is travelling through the club. Whether the one to kick players is right or not, it sure as hell worked.

Without a good work rate, strong midfield, end to end attitude it really doesn't matter how good a defence is it will leak, or how good strikers are as they won't get service.

The midfield is simply too small for the team, lacks work rate, physical presence and most of all heart.

The hardest thing about last week was the way at 0-1 up (yes we scored first) everyone stopped working, gave up and then didn't get up again. We have had a couple of good results recently and then sat on the lead. Yes we should be looking to try to score 5, 6, 7 or more every gave and work right up until the 93rd minute.

OK rant over, lets adopt a little of the Falkirk work ethic.