Quote Originally Posted by Marley past ghosts View Post
the bottom line is fans like you belong in a clique , and get all upset when other fans come along and upset your normal routine .and post points of view you do not agree with , lol

i go fella, not sat thousands of miles away waiting for the latest bumming session to begin , if you do not like the posts from other fans , dont read or reply to them, me and many others wont lose any sleep over it , tell you that for nowt fella .

too many dicks on here who think they rule the roost , and the vast majority dont even go most of the time , there is plenty more fans out there who would say the same if they could get through to post , then half of this lot on here would disappear in to the sunset , when they found out they were in the minority instead of the majority .

its totally laughable and why this forum as gone to the dogs over the last few years.
I'm pretty sure the drum you are beating here about not attending games...again!...has been answered before. I'll leave you to "play" with yourself........lol !...