In broad terms the Tories are the party of patronage and privilege who look after the rich, the well paid, the City and business while Labour represents the workers and the under privileged. The average wage or salary in the UK is about £27000 but the devil is in the detail. Only about 40% of workers earn the average or above average pay. 60% earn less than the average, a sizeable proportion much less. About 1.56 million are unemployed, 1.7 million are on zero hour contracts and 3.2 million are on the minimum wage. The majority of workers are between the minimum wage and £27000 with the numbers at each level reducing as the scale increases. Isn't it surprising that the Tories win far more elections than Labour despite a large majority of the population not being very well paid.
In the recent referendum the majority voted for Brexit. Most of the Brexit voters live in the most deprived areas of the UK, The North East, West Lancashire, South Yorkshire and parts of the Midlands and the South East below London. Most economists agree regardless of whether Brexit is a good or bad thing there will be an economic cost to the UK. The deprived areas of the UK will bear the brunt of those costs which will effect the living standards of everyone living in those areas. The cost of most elections and Brexit falls on those least able to bear it.