Shaba is way to big a risk for next season. We are a club that needs to get back into the upper echelons of Scottish football and I'm sorry but he has done absolutely nothing to prove he is the man or that he is capable of doing that. We can argue all day about the players not being good enough and that he hasn't had time but at the end of the day RM had them still in the title hunt when he left, we then went into free fall with Shaba, we can debate the January signings, whether they were his or not but we know he signed Lyng and we know he had Mason on trial for weeks so whether the rest were DT's signings or not he is culpable for these 2. He is also culpable for the bizarre team selections, substitutions and tactics. My final point on things is this, Willo Flood love him or hate him is an experienced footballer who 100% loves our club he obviously doesn't think Shaba is the man for the job, that's good enough for me. His berating of Shaba the other night shows, for me a lack of support and respect for the manager, if that's how a player that loves the club feels, what do the rest think of him? We can argue all day about the players and their roles in our demise but the buck stops with the manager, it's his job to turn them into a team that will give 100% effort, support and respect. Shaba failed and has to go.