You always have to be cautious about paying top dollar for wingers. So many of them are maddeningly inconsistent. That's probably a bit harsh because it is a challenging position. The fans expect a winger to beat a man and deliver perfect crosses every time; meanwhile, the modern manager also wants the player to be covering the defence!
I suspect TM mainly played Chapman only in the last half-hour because he wasn't expecting him to do the same job as Bennett or Conway. The "soldiers" play full games, but some of the "artists" are used as impact-players!
I would like to see Chapman back as long as the medical staff are not concerned about his long-term fitness. I do wonder, though, if Mowbray will want to have both Chapman and Gladwin in the first-team squad. He might consider that an unnecessary luxury, especially if he is still considering playing two support-strikers between Graham and the midfield, as he did for much of last season. That formation makes it hard to play an attacking winger as well.
In League One, Mowbray came up with the compromise of using two holding midfielders, so that the front three had more freedom. I still think that was probably not the original plan. It was more a reaction to the particular skills he saw in individuals, and to the fact that - for a variety of reasons - neither Whittingham nor Payne commanded a place.
As far as I can see, this McGeouch is mainly an attacking player, so it will be interesting to see what happens if he is signed. Given his record, I can't see that he would just be a make-up-the-numbers squad-member, so that would suggest TM is not locked into last season's midfield setup.
I am actually hoping that we don't go mad in the transfer-market. A second good striker (perhaps a target-man, Saxo?), this McGeouch (or similar), and Chapman - together with a couple of loanees - would do for me.
Obviously, we don't know who's leaving yet, but I can't see that many hopeless cases in our squad, and I don't want to see the Under-23s pushed too far down the pecking-order.
The other factor is team-spirit. It's been brilliant this year, and - as Mowbray himself says on the official site - seeing "stars" come in on very high wages might not be great for morale.
Clearly, those of you who think we can be pushing for the PL next season will probably disagree with my cautious approach.