Quote Originally Posted by Acido View Post
I was also talking about our own ideas as fans Aucks mate, whether we as England fans should be arrogant as well.
Arrogance tends to go along with confidence doesn't it, and we can and do often mix the two together.
You're probably right, Acido, but I get completely cynical about top-level football at times. I can't bring myself to opt out, though.
I did with tennis actually, many years ago - when the players were first allowed to get away with abusing the officials because they were "stars". I've never watched it since.
Football's too ingrained, however. Having said that, I must say I get a lot of pleasure from watching park-football in Auckland. I don't know the players from Adam, and the game is all that matters. I really don't want to know what clothes a player prefers and what car he drives.