Quote Originally Posted by WTF11 View Post
Jimmy m8, you really need to get out more.

Unlike folks like you, if either my statements or predictions prove to be wrong, I'll admit it.

I was right about how sh1te Wiedwald was going to be, and proved right in the event, and delighted he is no longer a Leeds player (or at least so it seems).

If we are going to actually get paid (which has yet to be confirmed, the "unconfirmed sum" statement is all we know at present), then that's even better.

But please don't let's pretend that identifying Wiedwald as surplus to requirement/useless and acting accordingly is some kind of masterstroke from Bielsa (I suspect moves were in hand before he was appointed) indicating how effective he will be in disposing of the real problems (e.g. Sacko, Ekuban, Grot, Anita), who do have long contracts and who won't leave quite so easily.

The plate of humble pie you keep suggesting I should tuck into is still very small. Maybe you would care to venture what your response might be should this "Hail Mary" management appointment go t1ts up as I am suggesting it will?
So you admit that you overhyped the contract issue of Weidwald as something we would have to live with for years to come .

I admit you was right about Felix . You was right even before he kicked a ball for us (such is the power of your crystal ball of doom applied to all our players)

I see it as good news myself. Not something to harp on about how **** things were whilst he held the jersey for half a season . All GK rumours suggest a more than decent level of replacement is being considered . Can't get any worse surely ?

I never suggested this was a master stroke from Bielsa to get shot of Weidwald. Obviously the writing was on the wall since April once he could not even make the bench (which in a way gave opportunity to BPF 😮, every cloud ...).

Re: Sacko, Ekuban, Grot, Anita - I think your wrong in assuming the club want to get rid of all four . Sacko and Anita are possible and advisable for sure. However, I would expect Ekuban and Grot to be given further chances.

For the record WTF, and this might shock you . I am not totally in favour of the Bielsa appointment. I have serious doubts about his ability to be able to convey these convoluted tactical video sessions to the team due to the language barrier . Lost in translation? Let's see

My biggest hope for this appointment is that Leeds can now sell the project. Attract a better level of player and let the improved quality on the pitch do the talking.

It's funny how you react to my post which applies to a lot of posters on here (not just yourself you silly old egotist

They are all eating their humble pie quietly , why can't you ? 😂