Quote Originally Posted by Airborn Pie View Post
It was common in the 60's and 70's to have black people nicknamed 'chalky', it was not intended as an insult, in fact, in my day, the assignation of a nickname, was usually a term of endearment.
It's not really upto you if think sooty is a loveable nickname, it's upto the black person you're calling it. If they don't mind being called sooty then that's upto them, I just don't know any of my mates who would like being called sooty, they'd probably knock you out as they'd find it racist. My mate says why does it always have to be about colour anyway, they're just like anyone else but you don't go round calling your white mates honky, cracker or your personal call to arms gammon do you (infact you get rather mad if someone calls you gammon as above posts indicate) but when it's someone of colour instead of just saying you ok mate you want to say hi sooty or hi chalky, it's plain weird and a complete double standard.

Not so humble - why would calling someone ginger be homophobic?
And no Greg Dyke shouldn't change his name but if those are your level of debate I'll leave it there.