Quote Originally Posted by dam617 View Post
I also had the misfortune of attending Bulwell job centre a few years ago. It stank of weed and sweaty tracksuits.
Much like Morrisons up the road - where I've never seen so many wheelchairs and mobo scooters since watching that series about ex-pats in Spain.
Did you have the pleasure of attending any of those 'back to work' group sessions? That's what really opened my eyes. They were a load of bullsh!t, but when asked to "name three things you are good at", one chavvy bloke answered "sleeping, smoking and drinking" to loud laughter from his mates. It was obvious they had no intention to work, but the job centre staff seemed powerless to do anything about it, in fact they just seemed to accept it. I felt sympathy for those genuinely seeking employment, because they would have been bracketed with the shirkers by many as benefit scroungers.