The 2nd of 6 midweek Notts it's an International......English Notts Eleven v the cast of Zulu...."it's a bleedin' miracle"

Yes, all for the paltry price of £10, where else can you have this much entertainment for the same price as a used pair of panties off e-bay?

Forget the circus, we have our own bunch of clowns with the ace juggler, Nolo, set to lob 11 names into a hat and pull a formation out at random "in goal we have Hewey, LB is Hemmings" etc etc.....should be fun?

Reasons for pressing that button on the official site

1 - Tonight is the night for gelification
2 - No way can we play worse than Friday night, when we stunk worse than a 3-month-old dead haddock
3 - All the proceeds from tonight go towards Nolo's compensation package...see 4
4 - Rumours are that AH will fire Nolo if we lose 4-0 again.....for compo, see 3
5 - You won't be able to criticise my Match Ratings unless you watch the game - I've done mine already "Hewey was terrific in goal - 9"....see, you cannot call me a little fibber unless you log on.

Well that's enough from the button, lob in your £10, get in a rake of beer and join the iFollow tinternet revolution.

ps....cannot be arsed going through all the details of logging in etc, see the iFollow thread from Friday but just 2 things......clean out your memory and cache before logging onto the match, plus someone else has reported that IE and Edge will not play iFollow, Firefox or Chrome are the best bet IMO...I've used them both without let's pray that there are no technical glitches, 31 live iFollow matches tonight in the UK, a huge test for this media platform.