About 400 there. As we know SD social media and website has been sabotaged as we know this is what hurts him. It is the main current focus.

Fans attending SD AGM next week in London. Got to be ‘cute’ about questions they ask so they are heard.

Looking to affect/disrupt share prices already started and they have dropped slightly.

Howey (wants to help and clearly has great affection for the club - from those that have spoken to him) was primed by Magpie Group prior to SKY last week and he ended up shutting the little tw&t Bellamy up by using facts.

Earlier today KPMG put out a statement bigging Ashley up/how he runs NUFC etc. Taken down within hours when Magpie Group queried it with facts.

Next action is Arsenal before the game outside ‘SD’ club shop below the Gallowgate. Has to be on the other side of the road (Strawberry pub side where burger van is) as club own path on other side. Cops won’t let them block the road.

Talked about boycotts especially SKY games a lot for some against + Rafa wanting fans to back the team. Listening to him.

Talk even of blockading SD Shirebrook there’s only one way in apparently.

Asked those present to spread the gospel. Can register for emails info at magpiegroup.co.uk.

Bloke suggested approaching KK to be a figure head when he is up here October for his book launch.

Lots going on that they clearly didn’t want to broadcast.