For those that haven’t been today but listened to a guy called Craig on Praise and Mumble, he got it absolutely spot on.
Today we had a packed midfield, who struggled to work together and were trying to overhead flick, amd head at every opportunity..... amd it didn’t come off. Today looked like a side who thought they were above the opposition. Some of the Players were very Poor. Cavaré ( and you know I think he’s is our best player was shocking first half, amd I mean shocking.
Jacob Brown needs to be told where to play....... he was too far back, and when the ball neede to be played to him wasn’t far enough up the field......... LET CAVARÉ DO HIS JOB! Which is get the ball and send it to Jacob.... who is in space..... If Brown is too near to Cavaré it won’t work... Brown looked as if he was tied to a 10ft string to Cavarés boot.
Midfield was a “Mash it up” Mowatt, Douglas and Bähre ( who did ok, but looked like he wasn’t sure where he should play like Brown) were “Cramped” too close to each other.....
Lindsay for me was the wort player on the field. Rest him please.
70+ years without a win today amd we’ve lost to,a team we would have Arsoiled three weeks ago.
Home in Huddersfield having a pint at 1900...... and left at final whistle.
Poor today