How humiliated can it get , I've parked the political points scoring on this because you know what it aint worth the bother and it's not as if my own party have come up with anything remarkable .

So Chequers is a lame duck , my gut instinct as a man who has played these shenanigans with management as a union man tells me they the EU are bluffing , could be wrong as I'm not as close to this gig obviously but ....

Don't move an inch Mrs May , I'll never vote for you while ive an oyle in my @ss but ...

They are more prepared for a no deal than we are according to the EU , feck off , I bet the hierarchy at BMW might think differently and other associated businesses that trade very well in the UK .

Money talks , always has , always will and it's a big market is the UK .

The EU like money to say the least , please do not offer this what ever it is in Brussels anything more or bend anymore which to be fair seems to be her position today .