Ive watched this now a zillion times and Chester clearlu kicks the ball away to the right, the ONE player was on the wrong side of the keeper to the left and would never have got the ball, at no point did chester make a foul. Not inly that i thiught we had this diuble jeopardy rule which states you can o ly be committed for the same offence. So conceeding the penalty shiuld have been the punishment, to give him a straight Red as well is double punishment, should the ref have consulted with the 4th official ? Ridficulous, had villa asked the question Chester would be available today.
Ps theres a greast close up clip of the incident on YT
I dont know whst weve done as a club but i feel we are drowing and being sucked down the plug hole. My son has not seen anything positive in the entire 10 yesrs he has been supporting the club, you have to admire the loyalty of all the villa youth. I hope the tide turns for all of them.